Category Archives: Tutorials

Windows Tutorials

How To Manage OneDrive With Group Policy

In this tutorial you will learn how to manage OneDrive with group policy (GPO). The OneDrive Group Policy objects work by setting registry keys on the computers in your domain. When you enable or disable a setting, the corresponding registry key is updated on computers in your domain.

I will guide you through obtaining the required GPO policies and importing them to Group Policy Management. Afterwards we will go through a simple deployment of OneDrive policies using Group Policy.

Task Details

  1. Install OneDrive Policies
  2. Explain OneDrive Policies
  3. Deploy OneDrive Policies

Task 1: Install OneDrive Policies

  1. You can download the OneDrive GPO Templates From Here.
  2. Locate these two files.
    • OneDrive.adml
    • OneDrive.admx
  3. If you just want to review OneDrive policies in Group Policy Management, you can put these files your local store:

    • Copy ONEDRIVE.ADML to C:\Windows\PolicyDefinitions\en-US
    • Copy ONEDRIVE.ADMX to C:\Windows\PolicyDefinitions\
  4. To use the OneDrive polices on your corporate network, you can put

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Microsoft Azure Tutorials

How To Create Network Security Groups In Azure – Lab8

In this tutorial you will learn how to create Network Security Groups in Azure. This lab will walk you through the steps to deploy a virtual machine and then edit network security groups in azure to allow specific traffic like RDP and HTTP.

What are Azure Network Security Groups (NSGs) ?

  • A network security group contains security rules that allow or deny inbound and outbound network traffic, to and from, several types of Azure resources. You can specify source and destination, port, and protocol for each rule.

Task Details

  1. Log into Azure Portal.
  2. Deploy a virtual machine.
  3. Allow RDP traffic with NSG rules.
  4. Install IIS on virtual machine.
  5. Allow HTTP traffic with NSG rules.
  6. Access the web page with browser.

Task 1: Log into Azure Portal

  1. Open a browser tab and go to the Azure portal using URL
  2. Sign in with your username and password on azure portal.
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Windows Tutorials

Install OneDrive using Group Policy and PowerShell

In this tutorial you will learn how to install OneDrive using Group Policy and PowerShell. By the end of this tutorial, you would have successfully deployed OneDrive to all end user devices during computer startup.

Task Details

  1. Download OneDrive
  2. Create PowerShell Script
  3. Create and Deploy GroupPolicy

Task 1: Download OneDrive

1. On your Domain Controller Download OneDrive

2. Place the OneDriveSetup.exe in your netlogon path.

Task 2: Create PowerShell Script

 1. Open Notepad.exe

2. Copy the script below and place it into Notepad.

$ErrorActionPreference = "SilentlyContinue"

$logSource = "OneDrive Per-Machine Deployment"
if (![System.Diagnostics.EventLog]::SourceExists($logSource)){
        new-eventlog -LogName Application -Source $logSource


# Specify the location of the OneDriveSetup.exe
$installationSource = "\\Network\Path\Here"
$destinationPath = "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft OneDrive"
$installedVersion = (Get-Command "$destinationPath\OneDriveSetup.exe").FileVersionInfo.FileVersion

    $ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"
    $targetVersion = (Get-Command "$installationSource\OneDriveSetup.exe").FileVersionInfo.FileVersion
} catch{
    write-eventlog -LogName Application -Source $logSource -EntryType Error 
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Microsoft Azure Tutorials

How To Create A Docker Container Instances In Azure – Lab7

In this tutorial you will learn how to create a Docker Container Instance in Azure. This lab will walk you through the steps to deploy a docker container instance and test the deployment.


Task Details

  1. Log into Azure Portal.
  2. Deploy A Docker Container.
  3. Review deployment details.
  4. Lauch APP through FQDN.
  5. Understand the Azure Metric Charts.


Task 1: Log into Azure Portal

  1. Open a browser tab and go to the Azure portal using URL
  2. Sign in with your username and password on azure portal.


Task 2: Deploy A Docker Container

1. From Azure services click Create a resource.

2. Search for Container and afterwards click Container Instances

3. Click Create under Container Instances.

4. Select your subscription and create a new resource group.

5. For Container Details fill the details. 

  • Container Name: Use a unique name.
  • Region: Select best region suited for you.
  • Image Source: Quickstart
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Windows Tutorials

How To Auto Deploy RADIUS WiFi With Group Policy

In this tutorial you will learn how to auto deploy RADIUS WiFi to end user domain joined computers with group policy.


Lets get started.

1. Log into your Domain Controller.

2. Open Group Policy Management.

3.  Locate Group Policy Objects, afterwards right click and click New.

4. Name your policy something that is identifiable and then click OK

5. Locate your new policy. Right Click and afterwards click Edit.

6. Expand to the following Computer Configuration > Policies > Windows Settings > Security Settings > Wireless Network (IEE 802.11 Policies).

7. Right click Wireless Network (IEE 802.11 Policies) and then click Create A New Wireless Network Policy for Windows Vista and Later Releases.

8. Make your Policy Name descriptive.

9. Under General Tab click Add.

10. Give your New Profile a Name. I would suggest naming it your Radius Wifi SSID. Afterwards type in your SSID … Read the rest

Microsoft Azure Tutorials

How To Create A SQL Database In Azure – Lab6

In this tutorial you will learn how to create a SQL Database in Azure. This lab will walk you through the steps to deploy SQL server and to create a SQL database.


Task Details

  1. Log into Azure Portal.
  2. Create Azure SQL Database.
  3. Create a SQL Server firewall rule.
  4. Connect to the Azure SQL Database.


Task 1: Log into Azure Portal

  1. Open a browser tab and go to the Azure portal using URL
  2. Sign in with your username and password on azure portal.


Task 2: Create Azure SQL Database

1. From the Azure portal click Create a resource or click SQL Databases.

2. From the SQL databases Page click +Create.

3. Fill out the Basic tab with the following information.

Project Details:

  • Subscription: Use the Default
  • Resource Group: Create New or from the drop down select existing AzureLab.


Database Details:

  • Database Name: AzureLabSQL01
  • Server: Create new
    • Server Name:
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Microsoft Azure Tutorials

How To Create A Linux Virtual Machine in Azure – Lab5

In this tutorial you will learn how create a Linux Virtual Machine in your Azure Lab. I will guide you through the process of logging into Azure Portal and proceeding through the VM wizard to create your Linux Virtual Machine. I will then show you how to SSH into your Linux Virtual Machine and test it out.

Task Details

  1. Log into Azure Portal.
  2. Create a Linux Virtual Machine.
  3. SSH into Linux Virtual Machine

Task 1: Log into Azure Portal

  1. Open a browser tab and go to the Azure portal using URL
  2. Sign in with your username and password on azure portal.

Task 2: Create a Linux Virtual Machine

1. Click on the Virtual machine’s from the menu in the Left side panel. You can also use the search bar at the top to find the Virtual Machines page or you can use the Virtual machines icon right Infront … Read the rest

UniFi Tutorials

How To Aggregate UniFi Switch Ports

In this tutorial you will learn how to Aggregate Unifi Switch Ports on your UniFi Controller 7.0. Link aggregation is a great way to increase speed and redundancy of your network. It allows you to combine multiple network connections and to distribute the load across all of the links, so that no one link will be overwhelmed. I will use a UniFi XG-16 as the core aggregation switch and the UniFi 24-500w as the aggregated child switch. 

Task Details

  1. Decide which switch ports to aggregate.
  2. Log into your UniFi Controller
  3. Aggregate Child Switch Ports
  4. Aggregate Core Switch Ports
  5. Review Connection

Task 1: Decide which switch ports to aggregate.

  1. Take this time to decide which ports you want to aggregate. I would recommend using the SFP ports in an aggregated pair. In my case this is the route I’m taking.

Task 2: Log Into your UniFi Controller

  1. Open a browser tab
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Microsoft Azure Tutorials

How To Create A Storage Account In Azure – Lab4

In this tutorial you will learn how create a Storage Account in your Azure Lab. I will guide you through setting up a Storage Account and deploying a Storage Container and uploading an object and deploying a File Share and uploading files. 

Microsoft Azure Storage is the solution for all your storage problems. It gives you the flexibility to pay only for what you use, and it has no limits on capacity. The service supports many different clients, including .NET, Ruby, Java, and more. This gives developers a range of options with which to work.


Task Details

  1. Understand Storage data services
  2. Understand the performance, redundancy and access tiers
  3. Sign into Azure portal
  4. Create a Storage Account
  5. Create a Container and Upload a Container object
  6. Create a File Share and Upload a File


Task 1: Understand Azure Storage data services

The Azure Storage platform includes the following data services:

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Microsoft Azure Tutorials

How To Create A Virtual Network In Azure – Lab3

In this tutorial you will learn how create a Virtual Network in your Azure Lab. I will guide you through setting up a Virtual Network and deploying two Virtual Machines onto your virtual network. Afterwards we will create a shared folder and access it from one of the other Virtual Machines.

Tasks Details

  1. Sign into Azure portal.
  2. Create a Virtual Network.
  3. Create two virtual machines.
  4. RDP in virtual Machines.
  5. Create shared folder.
  6. Access shared folder from another VM.


Task 1: Log into Azure Portal

  1. Open a browser tab and go to the Azure portal using URL
  2. Sign in with your username and password on azure portal.


Task 2: Create a Virtual Network

1. There are a few options in which you can locate Virtual Networks. Let’s click on Virtual Networks from the Menu in the Left panel. You can also use the search bar at the top to … Read the rest