Category Archives: Software

How To Uninstall Syncro Agent with PowerShell
Discover how to efficiently uninstall Syncro Agent with PowerShell, automating service cessation and software removal seamlessly.
In today’s dynamic IT environments, software installation and removal are constant occurrences. Efficient management of this process becomes vital, particularly for Managed Service Providers (MSPs). Amongst numerous software utilities that MSPs handle, SyncroMSP and Splashtop are of significant use. This article will explain how to create a PowerShell script that can stop relevant services and remove these applications seamlessly.
PowerShell: A Powerful Tool for MSPs
PowerShell, an object-oriented scripting language built on .NET, has become a go-to tool for IT admins and MSPs. Its ability to interact with Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) classes and invoke system-wide changes makes it powerful. Thus, it’s well-suited for tasks like software installation or removal. For our purpose, we will be crafting a PowerShell script that can uninstall SyncroMSP and Splashtop.
Uninstalling SyncroMSP and Splashtop
Uninstalling applications like … Read the rest

Open-AudIT: Revolutionizing Network Discovery and Inventory Management
Discover how Open-AudIT is transforming network discovery and inventory management, streamlining operations and maximizing efficiency.
Welcome to our comprehensive guide on Open-AudIT, the revolutionary open-source software that is transforming the way organizations manage their network discovery and inventory processes. In this article, we will delve into the depths of Open-AudIT, exploring its features, benefits, and how it simplifies network management tasks. Whether you are an IT professional, a system administrator, or simply interested in network management solutions, this article will provide you with valuable insights into the power of Open-AudIT.
Open-AudIT: Unveiling the Power of Network Discovery
What is Open-AudIT? A Game-Changer for Network Management
Open-AudIT is an open-source network auditing and inventory management system that enables organizations to effortlessly discover and monitor their network devices, collect detailed hardware and software information, and effectively manage their network assets. With its intuitive interface and robust functionalities, Open-AudIT is designed to … Read the rest

How to uninstall Kaseya using PowerShell

How to uninstall Kaseya using PowerShell. This Powershell Script will help you remove Kaseya Agent installations on Windows systems, the following PowerShell script is designed to automate the process. It ensures the Kaseya Agent and associated performance counters are uninstalled and all residual files are removed.
Kaseya PowerShell Removal Script
# # Define the service names for Kaseya Agent and Kaseya Agent Endpoint $agentService = "Kaseya Agent" $endpointService = "Kaseya Agent Endpoint" # Stop the Kaseya services if they are running Write-Output "Stopping Kaseya services..." if (Get-Service -Name $agentService -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) { Stop-Service -Name $agentService -Force } if (Get-Service -Name $endpointService -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) { Stop-Service -Name $endpointService -Force } # Get the specific Kaseya agent directory name $kdir = Get-Childitem 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Kaseya' | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name # Silently uninstall Kaseya Agent Write-Output "Uninstalling Kaseya Agent..." Start-Process -FilePath "C:\Program Files (x86)\Kaseya\$kdir\KASetup.exe" -ArgumentList "/s","/r","/g $kdir","/l %temp%\kasetup.log" -Wait # Delete leftover

The Ultimate Guide to Free Veeam Backup for Windows Desktops
Download Free Veeam Agent for Windows Desktops. It’s built on the same technology as Veeam Backup & Replication, which is #1 in the industry. This FREE standalone agent delivers local and cloud backup of physical desktops and laptops, as well as cloud-based Windows computers.
Understanding the Importance of Data Backup
Data is the lifeblood of modern organizations and individuals alike. With the exponential growth of digital information, it has become crucial to ensure the safety and availability of our data. A single hardware failure, software glitch, or a malicious attack can lead to catastrophic data loss. That’s where data backup solutions like Free Veeam Backup come into play.
Introducing Free Veeam Backup
Free Veeam Backup is a powerful and reliable data protection solution designed specifically for Windows Desktops. It offers a wide range of features and capabilities that enable you to safeguard your files, folders, applications, and even entire systems. … Read the rest

How To Remove Splashtop Software
So, we have bumped into Splashtop Software, and we wish to uninstall it from all the computers. Unfortunately, we cannot find the uninstaller in add or remove programs so the next best solution would be to run a Command Script to remove the Splashtop Software.
What is Splashtop anyways?
Splashtop is a family of remote-desktop software and remote support software, developed by Splashtop Inc. Splashtop enables users to remotely access or remotely support computers from desktop and mobile devices. Splashtop enables remote computer access for businesses, IT support and help desks, MSPs, and educational institutions.
In a few steps we will have the Splashtop Software removed.
- Open Notepad.
- Copy and paste the following into notepad.
msiexec /x {B7C5EA94-B96A-41F5-BE95-25D78B486678} /qn REG DELETE "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Splashtop Inc." /f > nul 2> nul REG DELETE "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Splashtop Inc." /f > nul 2> nul RMDIR /S /Q "C:\Program Files (x86)\Splashtop\Splashtop Remote\Server" > nul 2> nul RMDIR /S

How To Uninstall Atera Agent Software
So we have bumped into the Atera Agent Software and we wish to uninstall it from all the computers. You cannot find the uninstaller in add or remove programs so the next best solution would be to run a Command Script to remove the Atera Agent Software.
What is Atera anyways?
Atera provides a great an all-in-one management platform. It brings together remote IT monitoring and management, powerful ticketing and customer satisfaction surveying, billing and invoicing, and much more. Atera is used by IT support companies and MSPs in the US, Europe, and Asia.
In a few steps we will have the Atera Agent Software removed.
- Open Notepad.
- Copy and paste the following into notepad.
msiexec /x {EFB51F01-9805-4293-BB16-6F17EF4CEDF2} /qn timeout /t 5 /nobreak >nul sc stop AteraAgent > nul 2> nul sc delete AteraAgent > nul 2> nul taskkill /f /im TicketingTray.exe > nul 2> nul REG DELETE "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\ATERA Networks"

Unifi VPN – L2TP Connection Attempt Failed After Installing KB5009543
Microsoft released a path KB5009543 during Patch Tuesday of 2022 which is resulting in Unifi VPN connections presenting you with the message, L2TP connection attempt failed because the security layer encountered a processing error during initial negotiations with the remote computer. Other vendors besides Unifi like, Sonicwall, Ciso Meraki and WatchGuard Firewalls are experiencing the same VPN connection access error.
Microsoft confirmed the issue, saying:
“After installing KB5009543, IP Security (IPSEC) connections which contain a Vendor ID might fail. VPN connections using Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol (L2TP) or IP security Internet Key Exchange (IPSEC IKE) might also be affected.”
Microsoft has released an out-of-band fix for the issue and adding the following statement.
… Read the restOut-of-band update to address issues after installing the January Windows update
Microsoft is releasing Out-of-band (OOB) updates today, January 17, 2022, for some versions of Windows. This update addresses issues related to VPN connectivity, Windows Server

KB5009624 or KB5009595 Virtual Machine could not be started.
This month’s Patch Tuesday (January 11th, 2022) has featured two updates that appear to break Hyper-V on Windows Server 2012 R2 servers. If you installed either KB5009624 or KB5009595 and are receiving “Virtual Machine {VM NAME} could not be started because the hypervisor is not running”, then you should uninstall both updates and restart.
The following events will also be visible in the System Event Logs:
Source: Hyper-V-Hypervisor
Error ID: 80
Hypervisor launch failed; The operating systems boot loader failed with error 0xC00000BB.
Source: Hyper-V-VMMS
Error ID: 15350
The virtualization infrastructure driver (VID) is not running.
Source: Hyper-V-VMMS
Error ID: 15160
‘MACHINE NAME’ failed to restore virtual machine state.
There is no permanent solution currently available. To fix this problem, you need to remove the update from the Hyper-V host by doing the following:
1) Open elevated command prompt on the Hyper-V Host
2) Run “wusa /uninstall /kb:5009624”
3) … Read the rest

Kaseya Script To Remove Splashtop
This is a simple Kaseya Script to remove the Splashtop agent from workstations and servers.
What does it do?
I am glad you asked. The script uses the Kaseya scripting engine to execute the uninstallation string for the Splashtop agent. It is a very simple script but it does the job.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <ScriptExport xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns=""> <Procedure name="Splashtop Removal CMD" treePres="3" id="1984353680" folderId="113237001566792" treeFullPath="myProcedures - [email protected]"> <Body description=""> <Statement name="ExecuteShellCommand" continueOnFail="false"> <Parameter xsi:type="StringParameter" name="Command" value="MsiExec.exe /x {B7C5EA94-B96A-41F5-BE95-25D78B486678} /qn" /> <Parameter xsi:type="EnumParameter" name="ExecuteAccount" value="System" /> <Parameter xsi:type="BooleanParameter" name="Is64Bit" value="False" /> </Statement> </Body> </Procedure> </ScriptExport>
I hope this article was helpful, if you have any questions please feel free to contact me. If you would like to be notified of when I create a new post you can subscribe to my blog alert.
… Read the rest
Install Windows 11 Within VirtualBox
In this tutorial you will be shown how to install Windows 11 within VirtualBox. VirtualBox is great VM software to test releases of different types of OS’s.
Lets get started
- Lets download Virtual Box
- Once downloaded go through the wizard and leave default settings.
- If you need Windows 11 you can follow this Windows 11 Download tutorial.
- Open Virtual Box.
- Click on the New icon.
- Name your Virtual Machine
- Find and select version and select Windows 10. Click Next
- Memory Size 2GB will be fine. Click Next
- Hard Disk, Select Create a Virtual hard disk now. Click Next
- Hard Disk File type can be left with VDI selected. Click Next
- Storage on physical hard disk, select Dynamically allocated. Click Next
- File location and size can be left as default. Click Create
- Start the virtual machine
- VM should boot into the ISO, go through the process of installing windows.