Category Archives: Windows

PowerShell Tutorials

Scanning Directories for Files with PowerShell

Learn how Scanning Directories for Files with PowerShell can help you locate specific files, making it easy to identify their paths, sizes, and modification dates.

Script Overview

The PowerShell script provided below searches for .xlsx files starting from the root directory C:\. It recursively scans through all subdirectories and returns a list of files that match the specified criteria. For each found file, it displays the full file path, file size, and the last modified date.

Get-ChildItem -Path C:\ -Recurse -Include *filenamehere.xlsx | Select-Object FullName, Length, LastWriteTime

Explanation of the Script

  • Get-ChildItem: This cmdlet retrieves the items (files and directories) from a specified location. It can be used to list files and directories in a given path.
  • **-Path C:**: This specifies the starting point for the search, which is the root directory C:\. You can change this to any directory you want to start your search from.
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PowerShell Tutorials

How To Capture File Listing To CSV with PowerShell

Automate file management with a PowerShell script that lists file names and paths in a directory, exporting details efficiently to a CSV file.


In the digital age, managing and organizing files efficiently has become crucial for both personal and professional productivity. One common task is the need to list all files within a directory, including their names and paths, and export this information to a CSV file for further analysis or record-keeping. To address this need, a PowerShell script has been developed to automate this process, making it both time-efficient and user-friendly.

Understanding the Script

The PowerShell script is designed to scan a specified folder and its subfolders, extracting the full path and name of each file. It then organizes this data into a neat CSV file, with separate columns for file paths and file names. This functionality is particularly useful for inventory management, digital asset organization, or simply … Read the rest

Windows Tutorials

How To Enable Windows Remote Desktop: A Step-By-Step Guide

Unlock the potential of remote computing with our comprehensive guide on How To Enable Windows Remote Desktop. Step-by-step instructions, expert tips, and more!


Remote access to your computer is not just a convenience, it’s a necessity. Whether for managing business operations from afar or accessing personal files while on the go, Windows Remote Desktop is a powerful tool. This guide offers step-by-step instructions to unlock its full potential, ensuring a seamless remote desktop experience.

Enabling Remote Desktop For Windows 10 and Windows 11

  1. Open System Settings:
    • Right-click on the Start menu and select ‘Settings’.
    • Alternatively, press Win + I keys together.
  2. Navigate to Remote Desktop Settings:
    • In Windows 10: Go to ‘System’ and then ‘Remote Desktop’.
    • In Windows 11: Go to ‘System’ and then ‘Remote Desktop’ in the right-hand menu.
  3. Enable Remote Desktop:
    • Toggle the switch to ‘On’ under ‘Enable Remote Desktop’.
    • A warning about network
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Windows Tutorials

Introduction to Mastering Windows Firewall

Explore expert tips to master Windows Firewall, ensuring robust security with advanced settings, best practices, and troubleshooting solutions.

Understanding the Importance of Windows Firewall

Windows Firewall serves as a crucial line of defense in the realm of internet security. It’s a built-in, powerful tool that monitors and regulates the data transferred between your computer and the network, playing a vital role in preventing unauthorized access and protecting your system from various online threats. Understanding its importance is the first step towards ensuring your digital safety and privacy.

Evolution of Windows Firewall: Past to Present

The evolution of Windows Firewall reflects the changing landscape of cybersecurity. From its inception as a basic network filtering software to its current sophisticated version offering advanced features, Windows Firewall has undergone significant transformations. This evolution highlights the increasing complexity of cyber threats and the corresponding need for robust defense mechanisms.

Step 1: Familiarizing with Windows

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PowerShell Tutorials

How To Reset Icon Cache in Windows Using PowerShell

Learn how to reset the icon cache in Windows using a PowerShell script. Resolve issues with missing or corrupted icons on your desktop and file explorer with this step-by-step tutorial.


The icons you see on your Windows desktop and in File Explorer play a crucial role in providing a visual representation of files, folders, and applications. Sometimes, due to various reasons, these icons can become corrupted or go missing, leading to a less-than-optimal user experience. To resolve such issues, one effective solution is to reset the icon cache. In this article, we will guide you through the process of resetting the icon cache in Windows using a PowerShell script. This method can help you restore missing or corrupted icons, ensuring a more polished and functional desktop environment.


Resetting the icon cache can be particularly useful when you notice icons not displaying correctly, appearing as generic placeholders, or completely disappearing. … Read the rest

Windows Tutorials

Windows Server 2022 Security Hardening Strategies and Best Practices

Explore the depths of Windows Server 2022 Security Hardening – your ultimate guide to fortifying your server against evolving cyber threats.

Introduction to Windows Server 2022 Security

Windows Server 2022 marks a significant leap in server technology, particularly in the realm of security. Understanding and implementing the robust security features of this platform is crucial for any IT professional. This article dives deep into the intricacies of Windows Server 2022 Security Hardening, a critical process for ensuring the integrity and safety of your server environment.

Background and Importance

The increasing sophistication of cyber threats makes server security a top priority for organizations. Windows Server 2022 comes equipped with advanced security measures, but it’s the responsibility of administrators to effectively harness these tools. Security hardening is not just a one-time task but a continuous process of monitoring, updating, and adapting to new threats.

Microsoft Windows Server 2022

Understanding Windows Server 2022 Architecture

To effectively secure … Read the rest

Windows Tutorials

How to repair Windows Server 2022 installation with DISM

In this tutorial, you will learn how to repair a Windows Server 2022 installation using DISM (Deployment Image Servicing and Management). DISM is a powerful command-line tool for scanning and fixing issues in Windows images, including server operating systems. If your Windows Server 2022 is experiencing problems, the DISM /restorehealth command can be an effective solution. Here’s a step-by-step guide:

Microsoft Windows Server 2022


  • Ensure you have a backup of your data. For virtual machines, consider creating a snapshot.
  • Mount your Windows Server 2022 ISO as a drive and note the drive letter.


  1. Open Command Prompt as Administrator: Start by launching Command Prompt with administrator privileges.
  2. Scan for Health Issues: Enter the command:
dism /online /cleanup-image /scanhealth

This will scan your system for any issues.

3.Check the Health Status: After the scan completes, run:

dism /online /cleanup-image /checkhealth

This checks the health of your Windows image.

4. Restore System Health: With … Read the rest

PowerShell Tutorials

Automating CutePDF Writer Installation with PowerShell

Learn how to automate the download and installation of CutePDF Writer using PowerShell, streamlining your workflow and saving time.

For system administrators or users who frequently set up new workstations, manually downloading and installing software can be time-consuming. PowerShell, a powerful scripting tool on Windows, can automate this process, saving time and reducing the chance of errors.


Installation Script

Here’s the complete PowerShell script that will handle the download and installation of CutePDF Writer:

# Define the URL of the CutePDF Writer installer
$cutepdfUrl = ""

# Define the local path where the installer will be saved
$localPath = "C:\temp\CuteWriter.exe"

# Create the temp directory if it doesn't exist
$directory = Split-Path -Path $localPath -Parent
if (-not (Test-Path -Path $directory)) {
    New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $directory

# Download the installer
Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $cutepdfUrl -OutFile $localPath

# Define the silent install command for the installer
$cutepdfArgs = '/verysilent /norestart'

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PowerShell Tutorials

How To Install Chrome Extensions With PowerShell

In this article, we will guide you through the process of installing Chrome extensions using a PowerShell script, tailored specifically for Group Policy deployment.


Google Chrome, with its vast array of extensions, remains a predominant choice among internet users. For system administrators or IT professionals, there might arise situations where a specific Chrome extension needs to be deployed across multiple machines. Manual installation in such scenarios is not only tedious but also time-consuming. Enter PowerShell, Microsoft’s task automation framework. With PowerShell, you can seamlessly deploy a Chrome extension across various systems.


  • Google Chrome: Ensure it’s installed on the system(s) you’re targeting.
  • PowerShell: Generally comes pre-installed with Windows.
  • Administrative Privileges: Needed since modifying the registry demands elevated permissions.

Note: You can use this script to deploy extensions through a Remote Utility that runs as System/Administrator.


The Chrome Extension Installation PowerShell Script:

Here’s the complete script you’ll … Read the rest

Windows Tutorials

5 Killer Tips for Customizing Windows 11

Discover the 5 killer tips for customizing Windows 11 to enhance your user experience. From personalized themes to productivity boosts, we’ve got you covered.


Windows 11 is a remarkable operating system, known for its sleek design and improved functionality. Customizing your Windows 11 experience can take it to the next level, making it more tailored to your needs and preferences. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore five killer tips to help you personalize your Windows 11 experience. Whether you’re a tech enthusiast or a casual user, these tips will make your computing life easier and more enjoyable.

Personalized Themes for a Fresh Look

One of the first things you’ll notice about Windows 11 is its modern and visually appealing interface. To make it truly yours, start by customizing your theme. Here’s how:

1. Changing Wallpapers

Windows 11 offers a range of stunning wallpapers. Right-click on your desktop, select … Read the rest