Tag Archives: CyberSecurity

How To Create Strong Passwords
Passwords represent one of the most important and most misused forms of security. I say these passwords are misused because even in a world where everyone is concerned about cyber security and getting hacked, people still create weak, easy-to-crack passwords. Below are some common concepts to consider when creating passwords. Password Length The longer…

Why Data Privacy Matters
Data privacy refers to the handling of personal data. When it comes to their personal information, people have very specific rights. We need customer and employee personal data to run our business successfully. We are trusted to look after this essential information. Mishandled data can have serious repercussions for us, our colleagues and our customers….

Employee Guide To Spot Phishing Emails Crossword
Being able to spot phishing emails is important and If you’re wondering why phishing is still a thing, it’s because you and your friends keep falling for it. So stop it. Stop it now. Email is the largest platform for executing phishing scams, and criminals are getting better at using it effectively. Step 1 for…

Who is tracking you?
We have no idea who is tracking us out there on the internet and there is no shame in saying it, we have become complacent when it comes to sharing our content in all this online technology. But you should also know that technology and cyber criminals go hand in hand as they too will…

Do you know the signs of a money mule scam?
Listen, I know it’s hard out there and there are so many ways to make money that seem legit and we all want an opportunity to make quick money but if you don’t know the signs of a money mule scam you will be taken for a ride. When cybercriminals earn money via illegal means,…

Having a proper cyber security posture is up to all of us. All information created in the company is subject to the behavior of every collaborator. Use complex passwords and don’t share them with anyone. Note the sender’s and recipient’s domains when exchanging messages. When dealing with suppliers, have the confidentiality terms in mind. THE…

Physical Security Crossword Puzzle
As businesses become more dependent on technology so does the need for digital and physical security. Technology demands a significant amount of physical security to safeguard data, servers, networks and other devices. Security awareness is not just about preventing cyber attacks, it is also about protecting data in the physical world. Solve the Crossword puzzle…

How To Block Mobile Attacks
Mobile Attacks statistics show that more than 60% of fraud originates from mobile devices. Much of the world has gone mobile, and so have mobile attacks. Of the world’s cyberattacks, around 60% are initiated on mobile devices. About 80% of attacks against mobile devices take place via apps. Apps give hackers access to your device…

Physical Security In The Workplace
With so much attention focused on securing networks and preventing phishing and avoiding ransomware attacks, the physical side of security sometimes goes overlooked. Even in the modern-day work environment where seemingly everything has an internet connection, we still must remain vigilant against physical threats to our security! KEEP THINGS ORGANIZED. It’s a lot easier…

New Password Guidelines
For the longest time, security experts have recommended long, complex, and sometimes random, passwords. Unfortunately, those guidelines create a dilemma for individuals and organizations alike. Of course, the more complexity you add to a password, the harder it is to crack. But a more complex password also means it’s harder to remember. Complexity often fosters…