Category Archives: Tutorials

Windows Tutorials

How To Revert Microsoft Outlook Navigation Bar To The Bottom

With The Microsoft Outlook 2207 update, the navigation bar was moved from bottom to left to increase accessibility and provide more customization which allow you to include apps. If you don’t like the change, there is good news, Microsoft added a temporary option to revert this change. In this tutorial you will learn how to revert Microsoft Outlook navigation bar back to the bottom.

How To Revert Microsoft Outlook Navigation Bar To The Bottom


Step 1 : Open Microsoft Outlook

Step 2 : Locate and click on File > Options > Advanced.

Step 3 : Under Outlook panes, locate and uncheck Show Apps in Outlook.

Step 4 : Locate and click the OK button.

Step 5: Restart Microsoft Outlook.

Your Navigation bar should now be reverted to the bottom. Keep in mind that this is only temporary, and Microsoft will remove the option to revert this navigation bar completely.

I hope this article was helpful, if you have any questions,

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UniFi Tutorials

How To Migrate UniFi Controller

In this tutorial you will learn how to migrate your UniFi Controller 7.0 to a new UniFi Controller. We are going to use the export site function for the migration. This is the simplest way to migrate your UniFi settings to a new UniFi Controller.

Task Details

  1. Log into Your UniFi Controller.
  2. Create A Backup Of Your UniFi Controller Settings.
  3. Export Site From The Existing UniFi Controller.
  4. Import Site Into The New Unifi Controller.

Task 1: Log Into your UniFi Controller

  1. Open a browser tab and direct yourself to your UniFi Controller
  2. Sign in with your local username and password or your Ubiquiti Account.
  3. Select your Unifi Controller.

How To Migrate UniFi Controller

Task 2: Create A Backup Of Your UniFi Controller Settings

1. Click Settings 

2. Click System

3. Locate Backup and click Download.

Task 3: Export Site From The Existing UniFi Controller

1. Click Settings 

2. Click System

3. Locate Legacy Read the rest

UniFi Tutorials


In this tutorial you will learn how to configure your ATT Fiber BGW320 to allow UniFi UDM PRO VPN connections through the ATT Fiber WAN IP Address.

Task Details

  1. Log into your ATT Fiber BGW320.
  2. ATT Fiber BGW32 Configuration.
  3. Verify UDM PRO Wan Address.

Task 1: Log Into your ATT Fiber GB320

1. Enter the IP address of your ATT Fiber BGW320
2. Click on Home Network > Configure. Afterwards your will be prompted for your Device Access Code.

Task 2: ATT Fiber BGW32 Configuration

1. Once logged in we will change the ATT Fiber modems default subnet to something random so there won’t be any issues with the subnets you create on your Unifi UDM Pro

2. Click Home Network > Subnets & DHCP

3. From here I will change the Subnet to and give it a small DHCP scope. The only device that needs to be … Read the rest

UniFi Tutorials

How to Add Unifi Protect Cameras On A VLAN

In this tutorial you will learn how to configure a VLAN with DHCP on UniFi Controller 7.0 and then add UniFi Protect Cameras to the VLAN.

Task Details

  1. Log into Your UniFi Controller.
  2. Create a virtual network (VLAN).
  3. Identify Camera Ports and apply VLAN.

Task 1: Log Into your UniFi Controller

  1. Open a browser tab and go to the Ubiquiti Account Portal using URL
  2. Sign in with your username and password on Ubiquiti Account Portal.
  3. Select your Unifi Controller.

Task 2: Create Virtual Network

  1. Click Settings 

  2. Click Networks 

  3. Once the page loads click on Create New Network.

  4. Name your Network: UniFi Protect.

  5. Uncheck Auto Scale Network.

  6. Change the 3rd octet to any number you like, this will also be used as the VLAN ID.

  7. Scroll down to Advanced Configuration and select Manual.
  8. Change the VLAN ID to 200.
  9. Enable IGMP Snooping for better performance. 
  10. Scroll
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Ubuntu Tutorials

How to Upgrade Ubuntu Server 20.04 to Ubuntu 22.04

In this tutorial you will learn how to upgrade your Ubuntu Server 20.04 LTS to Ubuntu Server 22.04 LTS.

Ubuntu 22.04 Dates

Below you can find list of some important dates relating to Ubuntu 22.04 LTS

  • Official Release: April 21, 2022
  • End of Life (end of official support): April 2027
  • Extended Support End of Life (available with subscription): April 2032

What’s New?

Ubuntu 22.04 provides major enhancements, new capabilities, and a number of new software packages such as:

  • PHP 8.1.2
  • OpenSSL 3.0
  • Ruby 3.0
  • Python 3.10.4
  • MySQL 8.0.28
  • PostgreSQL 14.2
  • Linux kernel v5.15.0-25 & MESA 22

For a comprehensive list of all the new features and software packages, check out the release notes.


  • Make sure to have a minimum of 20GB of available storage.
  • Create a Backup before upgrade!
  • Use Putty to SSH and upgrade.

Lets get started 

1. Lets make sure we have all the installed … Read the rest

Microsoft Azure Tutorials

How To Create an Azure Load Balancer – Lab9

In this tutorial you will learn how to create a Load Balancer in Azure. This lab I will walk you through the steps to deploy a load balancer to load balance virtual machine traffic.

What is an Azure Load Balancer?

  • An Azure load balancer provides high availability by distributing incoming traffic among healthy VMs and it works at Layer- 4 of OSI Reference Model using the TCP and UDP protocols to manage transaction traffic based on a simple load balancing algorithm and basic information such as server connections and response times.

Task Details

  1. Log into Azure Portal.
  2. Create a virtual network.
  3. Create NAT gateway.
  4. Create load balancer.
  5. Create 3 virtual machines.
  6. Install IIS.
  7. Test the load balancer.

Task 1: Log into Azure Portal

  1. Open a browser tab and go to the Azure portal using URL
  2. Sign in with your username and password on azure portal.

Task 2: Create

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Windows Tutorials

How To Manage OneDrive With Group Policy

In this tutorial you will learn how to manage OneDrive with group policy (GPO). The OneDrive Group Policy objects work by setting registry keys on the computers in your domain. When you enable or disable a setting, the corresponding registry key is updated on computers in your domain.

I will guide you through obtaining the required GPO policies and importing them to Group Policy Management. Afterwards we will go through a simple deployment of OneDrive policies using Group Policy.

Task Details

  1. Install OneDrive Policies
  2. Explain OneDrive Policies
  3. Deploy OneDrive Policies

Task 1: Install OneDrive Policies

  1. You can download the OneDrive GPO Templates From Here.
  2. Locate these two files.
    • OneDrive.adml
    • OneDrive.admx
  3. If you just want to review OneDrive policies in Group Policy Management, you can put these files your local store:

    • Copy ONEDRIVE.ADML to C:\Windows\PolicyDefinitions\en-US
    • Copy ONEDRIVE.ADMX to C:\Windows\PolicyDefinitions\
  4. To use the OneDrive polices on your corporate network, you can put

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Microsoft Azure Tutorials

How To Create Network Security Groups In Azure – Lab8

In this tutorial you will learn how to create Network Security Groups in Azure. This lab will walk you through the steps to deploy a virtual machine and then edit network security groups in azure to allow specific traffic like RDP and HTTP.

What are Azure Network Security Groups (NSGs) ?

  • A network security group contains security rules that allow or deny inbound and outbound network traffic, to and from, several types of Azure resources. You can specify source and destination, port, and protocol for each rule.

Task Details

  1. Log into Azure Portal.
  2. Deploy a virtual machine.
  3. Allow RDP traffic with NSG rules.
  4. Install IIS on virtual machine.
  5. Allow HTTP traffic with NSG rules.
  6. Access the web page with browser.

Task 1: Log into Azure Portal

  1. Open a browser tab and go to the Azure portal using URL
  2. Sign in with your username and password on azure portal.
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Windows Tutorials

Install OneDrive using Group Policy and PowerShell

In this tutorial you will learn how to install OneDrive using Group Policy and PowerShell. By the end of this tutorial, you would have successfully deployed OneDrive to all end user devices during computer startup.

Task Details

  1. Download OneDrive
  2. Create PowerShell Script
  3. Create and Deploy GroupPolicy

Task 1: Download OneDrive

1. On your Domain Controller Download OneDrive

2. Place the OneDriveSetup.exe in your netlogon path.

Task 2: Create PowerShell Script

 1. Open Notepad.exe

2. Copy the script below and place it into Notepad.

$ErrorActionPreference = "SilentlyContinue"

$logSource = "OneDrive Per-Machine Deployment"
if (![System.Diagnostics.EventLog]::SourceExists($logSource)){
        new-eventlog -LogName Application -Source $logSource


# Specify the location of the OneDriveSetup.exe
$installationSource = "\\Network\Path\Here"
$destinationPath = "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft OneDrive"
$installedVersion = (Get-Command "$destinationPath\OneDriveSetup.exe").FileVersionInfo.FileVersion

    $ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"
    $targetVersion = (Get-Command "$installationSource\OneDriveSetup.exe").FileVersionInfo.FileVersion
} catch{
    write-eventlog -LogName Application -Source $logSource -EntryType Error 
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Microsoft Azure Tutorials

How To Create A Docker Container Instances In Azure – Lab7

In this tutorial you will learn how to create a Docker Container Instance in Azure. This lab will walk you through the steps to deploy a docker container instance and test the deployment.


Task Details

  1. Log into Azure Portal.
  2. Deploy A Docker Container.
  3. Review deployment details.
  4. Lauch APP through FQDN.
  5. Understand the Azure Metric Charts.


Task 1: Log into Azure Portal

  1. Open a browser tab and go to the Azure portal using URL
  2. Sign in with your username and password on azure portal.


Task 2: Deploy A Docker Container

1. From Azure services click Create a resource.

2. Search for Container and afterwards click Container Instances

3. Click Create under Container Instances.

4. Select your subscription and create a new resource group.

5. For Container Details fill the details. 

  • Container Name: Use a unique name.
  • Region: Select best region suited for you.
  • Image Source: Quickstart
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