Importance of Cyber Security in the Workplace

Organizations need to elevate their security posture at the workplace and put in place a cyber security policy to better protect their data and their client’s data. Most company’s these days have a database containing confidential information such as:

  • Private financial data of company assets.
  • Personal details of customers, executives, employees, vendors and partners of the firm.
  • Unfinished or ongoing projects, new software developments and patents of primal importance that are exclusive to the company.
  • Confidential information about existing or potential clients of the company.

Cyber Security is absolutely a requirement these days and should no longer be over looked. All company’s should at least follow simple cyber security practices and employees should be aware of cyber security threats by providing them cyber security awareness training

It is best to have a workplace security policy in place because your aren’t just protecting your employees’ but also the personal credentials … Read the rest

How To Protect Your Healthcare Institutions Against Cyber Attacks

Healthcare has become a top priority due to the pandemic and with so many wheels turning to keep up with demands several things fall through the cracks and one of them being cyber security.

Healthcare cyber attack breaches and leaks not only hurt the institutions financially but also hurt its patients for the rest of their lives. Therefore, everyone needs to do their part and take the necessary precautions and try to keep ahead of threats. Here are some simple cyber security measures you can take.

Vulnerability Management

Hackers love to find exploits and unpatched vulnerabilities in the IT infrastructure they are attacking so they can ensure the success of their attempt. You will need to make sure that all the security patches and device firmware are updated regularly. Overlooking even a small vulnerability in your healthcare’s IT security can have severe ramifications. Conducting periodic Vulnerability Assessment and Penetration Testing … Read the rest

The Strategy Behind Ransomware Attacks

Everyone Hates Ransomware Attacks and we should learn their strategy. Ransomware is a type of malware that is installed onto computers through malicious emails. The ransomware encrypts the computers data and then requires the victims to purchase a decryption key. Once the data is encrypted the hackers will demand a ransom, which can set you back a few hundred dollars to a few thousand which are payable in Bitcoin.

There are a number of attack vectors through which ransomware can gain unauthorized access into computer systems. One of the most common ways used to access computers is via phishing emails and email attachments. Hackers make these emails look really legitimate and trick the users to open them. Once these emails are opened and attachments are downloaded, the attackers take over the victims’ computers. 

Hackers can also access your network through Remote Desktop (RDP) that are open directly to the public. … Read the rest

VMware Tutorials

How to configure VMware vMotion on vSphere 6.7

Learn the essentials of configuring VMware vMotion on vSphere 6.7. Discover seamless live migration of virtual machines with this comprehensive guide.

In these steps below I will be guiding you through setting up VMware vMotion using vSphere 6.7.

  1. Log into your vSphere 6.7 portal
  2. In my case I want to have my esxi2 server to have the ability use vMotion.
  3. Proceed with Clicking the Configure Tab
  4. On the left hand side scroll down and location “Networking” , Click on VMKernel adapters.
  5. Proceed with clicking on the Add Networking button.
  6. You are now prompted with the Add Networking Wizard. In step 1 of this wizard. You will Keep VMkernel Network Adapter Selected, then click Next.
  7. Step 2 in the wizard we will be selecting New Standard Switch and then proceed with clicking Next.
  8. In Step 3 of the wizard, best practice is to use a dedicated Unused adapter.
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New Android Malware Spreading Through WhatsAPP

New Malware has been discovered being pushed through WhatsApp messages and once infected it will push to other contacts in order to expand what appears to be an adware campaign.

ESET researcher Lukas Stefanko said “This malware spreads via victim’s WhatsApp by automatically replying to any received WhatsApp message notification with a link to [a] malicious Huawei Mobile app” .

The malware will introduce itself as a Huawei Mobile app, upon clicking the link it will redirect users to a lookalike Google Play Store and luring you to install the malware app. You will be prompted to grant it notification access, which is then abused to carry out the malware attack.

Please be vigilant and always consider that the messages people send you with links may lead you to malware, especially if it something random and out of character from one of your contacts. 

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Phishing Facts Every Business Should Know.

Have you asked yourself, are you doing enough to protect your business from phishing attacks? if your second guessing yourself you are most likely have been or going to be a victim of a phishing attack. Read these shocking phishing facts you may or may not know–and how these facts may apply to your own vulnerability against a phishing attack.



Interesting Phishing Facts

Phishing Fact Source

33% of breaches included social attacks Verizon Data Breach Investigations Report (DBIR) 2019
65% of attacker groups used spear phishing as the primary infection vector Symantec Internet Security Threat Report (ISTR) 2019
29% of breaches involved use of stolen credentials Verizon Data Breach Investigations Report (DBIR) 2019
48% of malicious email attachments are Office files Symantec Internet Security Threat Report (ISTR) 2019
94% of malware was delivered via email Verizon Data Breach Investigations Report (DBIR) 2019
32% of breaches involve phishing Verizon Data Breach
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The Risks Of Sharing Passwords At Work

Did you know that 81% of Data Breaches happen due to poor password practices and one of are due to human errors like password sharing which can lead to massive data breaches.

I’m sure your open minded just like me and when you read these statics it will provide the criticality of password security in today’s date:

  • Did you know that 81% of the data breaches have been reported because of poor password security.
  • Fun fact, by the end of 2020, password usage across the globe will grow by 300 billion. 
  • Just about 25% of employees use the same password for all their login accounts.
  • About 61% of companies have accounts with non-expiring user passwords.
  • Around 54% of the small and medium-sized businesses don’t check up on their employee password practices.

Do Not Share Your Work Password.

How would you feel giving your personal password to someone? You wouldn’t do … Read the rest

Digital Weapons You Must Know About!

What is this Digital Weapon?

This type of Malicious Software Weapon is called or for short Malware. This type of software is designed intentionally to hurt and infect your network and computers and their are many type in the wild.

Types of Digital Weapon Threats

There are many types of malware however the weapons mostly used today are not directly installed on your device but instead hackers use loopholes that they exploit to launch scripts.

What are the types of digital weapon payloads?   

  • Social Engineering: 

When an attacker manipulates the user to extract sensitive information for personal gains, it is known as social engineering. Sometimes the malicious links or malicious files are sent to the victim during social engineering. As soon as the victim clicks on the malicious link or downloads the malicious file, the malware gets installed in the victim’s device.

  • Email: 

The attacker sends lucrative emails that tempt … Read the rest

Windows Tutorials

How to Fix CD/DVD RW Access Denied – Grant Permission

Learn how to fix access denied error for CD/DVD RW drive in Windows. This guide enables burning of blank DVDs and CDs. Follow the steps to resolve the issue.


Are you experiencing frustration and annoyance when trying to access your CD/DVD RW drive, only to be greeted with an infuriating “Access Denied” error message? Fear not! In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the intricacies of fixing the CD/DVD RW access denied issue and granting the necessary permissions to regain control over your optical drive. So, roll up your sleeves, and let’s get started on this troubleshooting journey!

Understanding the CD/DVD RW Access Denied Issue

Before we dive into the solutions, it’s crucial to understand why this problem occurs in the first place. When you encounter an “Access Denied” error message while trying to access your CD/DVD RW drive, it usually means that the operating system or security … Read the rest

Rejoin Domain Using CMD To Fix Failed Trust Relationship

At some point you may run into an issue “The trust relationship between this workstation and the primary domain failed” and here are a few steps to rejoin domain using CMD.

  1. Have the ability to log in with a local Administrator account, For EX: by typing, “.\Administrator” in the login window. If you’re creative and resourceful you can hack your way in without the password.

  2. Now you need to make sure that netdom.exe is working. Netdom.exe depends on what version of Windows you’re running. With Windows Server 2008 and Windows Server 2008 R2 netdom.exe needs to be enabled in the Active Directory Domain Services role. On Windows Vista and Windows 7 you will have to get it from Remote Server Administration Tools (RSAT). Google can help you get them. For other platforms see this link:

  3. Oce step 1 and 2 are done we can run netdom.exe to change the
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