Why You Need Security Education and Awareness Training.
One of the greatest threats to information security could actually come from within your company or organization. Inside ‘attacks’ have been noted to be some of the most dangerous. It is not always disgruntled workers who are a threat. Often, it is the non-malicious, uninformed employees.
1. It is the first line of defense against security risks
You cannot protect yourself against something that you are oblivious of its existence. So, you must be really aware of threats to both physical and information security. This is the only way you can prevent them. And you cannot achieve this except with security awareness education.
2. You will be complying with regulatory requirements
The number of laws that require employees of organizations to undergo certain forms of security awareness training is now on the increase. And if this law isn’t presently binding on your business or employer, chances are high that the law would apply to you anytime soon.
3. You will be trusted
Should any security breach occur, you will have no fingers pointing at you, even if it were all your fault. You know why? The reason is because you would be trusted and deemed capable enough to have prevented such from happening.
4. You will build customer trust and loyalty
One problem most businesses are facing today is the issue of customer security. Consumers are getting bored of reading about cases of privacy breaches in news headlines every day. And before they do business with you, they want to ensure that your company will do everything possible to protect their private information. You can help your business achieve this by being security aware.
5. Every business now needs it
One erroneous notion is that only internet-based businesses are prone to breaches in information security. This is wrong. Businesses in all sectors (including manufacturing, transport, construction, and so on) are vulnerable to information security risks. So, if you have a good background in security awareness, you will be an asset to businesses in any sector.
6. You will be safe from personal risks-: Security awareness enlightens you not only about possible threats to information security, but also about threats to physical and personal security. So, it makes you immune to workplace security issues, among others.
7. Your mindset will align with your employer’s objectives
Even if an organization spends a huge portion of its budget on security, its security objectives may be defeated any time if its employees do not have these objectives as part of their mindset. So, if you have undergone security awareness education and training, you will easily understand the security objectives of your employer and feel obliged to act in line with them. This makes you less likely to compromise your employer’s vital information.
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