Azure Fundamentals AZ-900: The Foundation for Cloud Success

Gain the essential knowledge and skills for cloud success with Azure Fundamentals AZ-900. Unlock the potential of Microsoft Azure Foundation.


I am happy to announce that I achieved my Microsoft Azure Fundamentals AZ-900 Certification. The AZ-900 for me was an interesting exam. I went in thinking I was going to fail even after putting in 20+ hours of studying. I suppose it’s better to over prepare though. I was hoping to get 55 questions, so it gave me room for more mistakes however they only gave me 35 questions and I was shocked right out of the gate. With all my over studying I was able to breeze through the questions and pass the Microsoft Azure Fundamentals Az-900 with a score of 805. It’s also to remember scores are no big deal a pass is a pass, and you achieved your certification. The most important thing is to schedule the exam and make a commitment to the goal.



Microsoft Azure Fundamentals is the first of the Azure certification exams, earning you the Microsoft Certified Fundamentals achievement. You’ll need to understand the foundational aspects and benefits of Microsoft’s Cloud – like how subscriptions work, what support plans are available, the difference between Infrastructure as a Service, Platform as a Service and Software as a Service, and which services you would use when.  “What to use when” is actually a common theme in this exam, across some but not all of the Azure products. There are also some “systems administration” concepts like enforcing Policies and using Role Based Access Control (RBAC), which are applicable across your Azure tenancy regardless of which services you are using. IT Pros may be more familiar with this content, but software developers would also benefit from learning the architecture of and controls available in Microsoft’s Cloud.

What you need to know

You’ll need to understand the products available in each of these categories, and when you would use one instead of another:

  • Compute – Virtual machines, virtual machine scale sets, app services
  • Networking – virtual networks, load balancer, VPN gateway, application gateway, content delivery network
  • Storage – Blog, disk, file, archive storage and Azure Files
  • Databases – Cosmos DB, SQL Database, database migration service, SQL Data Warehouse
  • IoT – IoT Central, IoT Hub
  • Big Data – HDInsight, Data Lake Analytics
  • AI – Azure Machine Learning Service, Azure Machine Learning Studio
  • Serverless – Azure Functions, Logic Apps
  • Identity services – identity concepts, Azure Active Directory, Multi Factor Authentication concepts
  • Security products – including both the Azure Security Center, Information Protection, Advanced Threat Protection and security features in the product groups above, like Network Security Groups
  • Governance – including Policy and Role Based Access Control, but also compliance and privacy concepts.
  • Monitoring – Azure Monitor and Service Health
  • Azure tools – like Azure Resource Manager, Azure CLI, Cloud Shell and PowerShell


Lab it up

I took my time to create my own labs and actually understand the process. It also helps understand where everything is and solidifies key technologies into your brain. I have created a few tutorials & labs that can help you through your journey to achieving the Microsoft Azure Fundamentals AZ-900 Certification. 

I hope this article was helpful, if you have any questions please feel free to contact me. If you would like to be notified of when I create a new post you can subscribe to my blog alert.

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Patrick Domingues

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