Tag Archives: Unifi
How to Add Unifi Protect Cameras On A VLAN
In this tutorial you will learn how to configure a VLAN with DHCP on UniFi Controller 7.0 and then add UniFi Protect Cameras to the VLAN. Task Details Log into Your UniFi Controller. Create a virtual network (VLAN). Identify Camera Ports and apply VLAN. Task 1: Log Into your UniFi Controller Open a browser tab…
How To Aggregate UniFi Switch Ports
In this tutorial you will learn how to Aggregate Unifi Switch Ports on your UniFi Controller 7.0. Link aggregation is a great way to increase speed and redundancy of your network. It allows you to combine multiple network connections and to distribute the load across all of the links, so that no one link will…
How Configure UniFi Controller 7.0 DHCP With Microsoft Active Directory DNS
In this tutorial you will learn how to configure Unifi Controller 7.0 DHCP Server with Microsoft Active Directory DNS. Let’s get started. Make sure you are on latest Unifi Controller Version. This tutorial was created for version 7.0.25. I will be using a Unifi UDM Pro for this configuration. Step 1: Log into your Unifi Controller….
How To Configure VLAN On UniFi Controller 7.0
In this tutorial you will learn how to configure a VLAN with DHCP on UniFI Controller 7.0. VLAN Stands for “Virtual Local Area Network,” or “Virtual LAN.” A VLAN is a custom network created from one or more existing LANs. It enables groups of devices from multiple networks (both wired and wireless) to be combined into a single logical network….
How To Configure Unifi Controller Guest Hotspot With Stripe Payment
In this tutorial you will learn how to configure your Unifi Controller 7.0.22 Guest Hotspot with Stripe Payment. This will come handy if you’re looking to monetize your Public WiFi access. Before we start make sure you are on Unifi Controller 7.0.22 or later and proceed to adopt all your Unifi devices into your controller….
How To Configure Unifi Controller Guest Hotspot With Vouchers
In this tutorial you will learn how to configure your Unifi Controller 7.0.22 Guest Hotspot with Vouchers. This will come handy if you’re a hotel or some type of business looking to control guest access to your Wi-Fi using a finite time-based voucher. Before we start make sure you are on Unifi Controller 7.0.22 or…
How To Configure Site to Site VPN On Unifi Controller 7.0.22
In this tutorial you will learn how to configure Unifi UDM PRO Site to Site VPN on Unifi Controller 7.0.22. A site-to-site virtual private network (VPN) is a connection between two or more networks, such as a corporate network and a branch office network. Many organizations use site-to-site VPNs to leverage an internet connection for…
How To Configure Unifi Controller 7.0.22 UDM-PRO Security Settings
In this tutorial you will learn how to configure your Unifi Controller 7.0.22 Network Security Settings so you can properly secure your networks. In this tutorial I will be utilizing a Unifi UDM-Pro on controller version 7.0.22. Key Knowledge GeoIP Filtering is a technology that can block web traffic from entire countries, can be an effective…
How To Configure Unifi UDM Pro Controller 7.0.22 VPN Access
In this tutorial you will learn how to configure a Unifi UDM Pro Controller 7.0.22 VPN access. I will take you through the process of configuring a VPN Connection and a VPN user on Unifi Controller version 7.0.22 on your UDM Pro and then we will finish with configuring the Windows 11 VPN client. Let’s…
How to Configure Unifi UDM PRO DHCP Relay To Use Windows Server DHCP
In this tutorial you will learn How to Configure Unifi UDM PRO DHCP Relay To Use Windows Server DHCP. This will come handy when you want your Windows Server to be the DHCP provider. This tutorial is based on Unifi Controller version 6.5.55. Let’s get started. First make sure you are running the latest controller…