Tag Archives: Ubiquiti

Install SSL Certificate Onto A FQDN UniFi Controller
In this tutorial you will be shown how to install SSL Certificate onto a FQDN (fully qualified domain name) UniFi Controller installed on Ubuntu 20.04. Lets Get Started SSH onto your Ubuntu Linux Server Make sure your server is fully up to date with patches. Check and see what type of pre-existing firewall your using….

Install UniFi Controller On Ubuntu 20.04 Linode
In this tutorial you will be shown how to install the UniFi Controller software with SSL on Ubuntu 20.04 using a Linode VPS. The current version of UniFi SDN Controller that we will be installing is 6.2.23 Of course new packages will be released and they can be found on there UniFi Software Download Page. The script…

How to Configure Unifi UDM PRO VPN for Windows 10
In this tutorial I will show you how to configure the Unifi UDM Pro VPN for Windows 10. I will take you through the processes of configuring a VPN User and VPN VLAN on the Unifi controller version 6.1.71 of the UDM Pro and then finishing with configuring the Windows VPN client. How To Configure…

Unifi Cloud Controller Adoption Using SSH
In this Tutorial I will be showing you how to adopt New Unifi Devices to your Unifi Cloud Controller using the SSH Method. We will first start off by: Download and install Advanced IP Scanner. Open the Advanced IP Scanner and run a scan to locate all your New Unifi devices. Note: Make sure network…

Unifi Cloud Controller Adoption
In this Tutorial I will be showing you how to adopt New Unifi Devices to your Unifi Cloud Controller. We will first start off by: Download and install Google Chrome. Download, install and run within Google Chrome the Ubiquiti Device Discovery Tool Next Click: [Scan] and wait for your devices to show up. Note: Make…

How To Enable UniFi Controller MFA
In this Tutorial we will show you how to enable MFA for the UniFi Controller and once it is setup correctly you will be presented with the MFA login. We will first start off by: Creating an account on Ubiquiti’s website https://account.ui.com/. Make sure to use the same email address that you are going to…

The Best Home Lab For System Administrators
This home lab is great for anyone who is just starting off their IT career and looking to get a step up in knowledge by chasing after it. If your a System Administrator already get yourself a lab anyways because the more you know the better. Having a Home Lab builds your confidence because you…

UniFi Video Surveillance System Is The Best
The UniFi Video Surveillance System has the best balance between flexibility and ease of use. Ubiquiti designed UniFi Video to provide continuous monitoring capabilities with a ton of options to fine-tune and customize both the video recorder system and network cameras. The short fall is that UniFi Video does not yet support geo-fencing or advanced…

Best Home Lab For SysAdmins
This home lab is great for anyone who is just starting off their IT career and looking to get a step up in knowledge by chasing after it. If your a SysAdmin already get yourself a lab anyways because the more you know the better. Having a Home Lab builds your confidence because you obtain…

Best Wireless Access Point Is The UniFi UAP AC Pro
The best wireless access point in my option is the Ubiquiti UniFi UAP AC Pro. You get Enterprise grade equipment for the fraction of the cost. I have been deploying these access points for 3+ years and feedback from clients are nothing but great. They provide awesome coverage and they have great performance. The The…