Tag Archives: Phishing

STRRAT Malware Is At It Again
A recent post from the Microsoft Security Intelligence revealed that STRRAT Malware is at it again with a new version release. The STRRAT malware is an odd duck to say the least. This STRRAT Malware is a Java-based RAT that poses as ransomware. It changes the file names on the infected devices by appending the…

New Android Malware Spreading Through WhatsAPP
New Malware has been discovered being pushed through WhatsApp messages and once infected it will push to other contacts in order to expand what appears to be an adware campaign. ESET researcher Lukas Stefanko said “This malware spreads via victim’s WhatsApp by automatically replying to any received WhatsApp message notification with a link to [a] malicious…

Phishing Facts Every Business Should Know.
Have you asked yourself, are you doing enough to protect your business from phishing attacks? if your second guessing yourself you are most likely have been or going to be a victim of a phishing attack. Read these shocking phishing facts you may or may not know–and how these facts may apply to your own…

COVID-19 Vaccine Email Scams
Online scammers have found another avenue to lure their desperate victims. These scams are being sent through emails stating that you can purchase a vaccine for around $150 and the COVID-19 Vaccines can be delivered within a few days. Doing searches in dark web forums and on messaging app Telegram found seven different offers for…

Microsoft.com is being Spoofed to Phish Office 365 Users
As the title said, the microsoft.com domain is being spoofed to phish office 365 users. This is quite alarming for one, why is Microsoft allowing its domain to be spoofed is beyond me. They can easily fix this with proper SPF, DKIM, and DMARC records within their DNS. In a recent report posted online by…

Phishing for Microsoft Teams Credentials
Phishing continues to be a pain in everyone’s rear end. This particular Phishing scam aims to rob you from your Microsoft Teams Credentials. Since Microsoft Teams has become a favorable communication tool throughout the world of course hackers are now aiming to phish you into giving them your login information. Abnormal Security said “Because Microsoft…

Mobile Users Falling Victims To URL Spoofing
Yikes, aren’t there enough mobile vulnerabilities already? Now we have to tend to URL Spoofing and determining if the website is real or not? A Rapid7 researcher named Tod Beardsley, which disclosed the vulnerability, said this flaw, is an instance of CWE-451 from the Common Weakness Enumeration. It is cause for concern because these victims…

Amazon Phishing Emails Are Running Rampant
Amazon phishing emails are running rampant. These hackers are using these types of phishing emails to try and gain access to your account and information and use it to purchase items with. Some common tip-offs that an email is phony are typos, grammatical mistakes, awkward language, missing words, extra spaces, and other signs that the…

Zeus Sphinx Banking Trojan Ramps Up During COVID19
The Zeus and Sphinx Banking Trojan is showing off its ugly face more often now during COVID19, lurking and targeting desperate users looking for information about COVID19. According to researchers Amir Gandler and Limor Kessem at IBM X-Force, the researchers observed a significant increase in volume in March 2020, of the Zeus and Sphinx’s malware….

Help your users spot Covid-19 phishing emails
As the Covid-19 pandemic rises scammers are now using the fear of the public to capitalize by using a method of email phishing to steal money and data. World Health Organisation Advice There has been a growing confusion around the next steps to take, scammers can slip through the cracks. Health advice emails, advising people…