Category Archives: Tutorials

UniFi Tutorials

How To Configure Unifi UDM Pro Controller 7.0.22 VPN Access

In this tutorial you will learn how to configure a Unifi UDM Pro Controller 7.0.22 VPN access. I will take you through the process of configuring a VPN Connection and a VPN user on Unifi Controller version 7.0.22 on your UDM Pro and then we will finish with configuring the Windows 11 VPN client.

Let’s start by logged into your UDM PRO Controller 7.0.22.

  1. Click on Settings
  2. Now click on VPN

  3. For VPN Server mark sure its enabled.
  4. For Pre-shared Key, you can use the default or type your own.
  5. For Server Address, choose ether wan port or set a static IP Address manually. I will be using (WAN1).
  6. Now under User Authentication, click on Create a new user.
  7.  You should now see a popup to enter a username and password, afterwards click on the Create User button. Create additional user accounts that you wish to provide
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Windows Tutorials

How To Install And Configure Windows Server DHCP Role

In this tutorial you will learn How To Install And Configure Windows Server DHCP Role. We will be using Windows Server 2019 however the concept is the same with Windows Server 2022.


The Windows Server DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) role plays a crucial role in managing IP addresses on a network. By automating IP assignment and configuration, DHCP simplifies network administration and ensures efficient connectivity. This guide will walk you through the process of installing and configuring the DHCP role on your Windows Server. From initial setup to advanced configurations, you’ll gain the knowledge and skills needed to effectively manage IP address allocation. Get ready to streamline your network infrastructure and enhance connectivity with this comprehensive tutorial.

Let’s get started with the Installation of the DHCP Role

1.Log into your Windows Server.

2. If not already opened, open up Server Manager.

3. Click Add roles and featuresRead the rest

UniFi Tutorials

How to Configure Unifi UDM PRO DHCP Relay To Use Windows Server DHCP

In this tutorial you will learn How to Configure Unifi UDM PRO DHCP Relay To Use Windows Server DHCP. This will come handy when you want your Windows Server to be the DHCP provider. This tutorial is based on Unifi Controller version 6.5.55.

Let’s get started.

First make sure you are running the latest controller version. At the time of this publication, it is 6.5.55. I will be progressing through this tutorial under the impression you already have a Windows DHCP Server already running. If that is not configured click: How To Install And Configure Windows DHCP Server.

1. Log into your UDM Pro using or its IP address.

2. Access the Unifi Controller and click Settings

3. Click on Networks. Now you should be presented with all your current networks maybe even just the Default LAN if your UDM Pro is coming right out of the … Read the rest

UniFi Tutorials

How To Configure Ubuntu Desktop 20.04 To Access Unifi UDM Pro VPN Tunnel

In this tutorial you will learn how to configure Ubuntu Desktop 20.04 to access Unifi UDM Pro VPN tunnel. You will then be able to use your Ubuntu Desktop 20.04 to VPN into your UDM Pro and browse and access your network files or even remote access other systems on the network.

If you need assistance on creating a Unifi UDM Pro VPN tunnel, click here.

How to install VPN client software on Ubuntu Desktop 20.04

  1. Log into your Ubuntu Desktop 20.04 and open up the Terminal.
  2. Elevate your Terminal Access
sudo -s

3. We will now need to install the L2TP VPN package. 

sudo apt install network-manager-l2tp network-manager-l2tp-gnome

4. You need to restart your computer to see “Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol (L2TP)” in your VPN access manager.

5. Log back onto your Ubuntu Desktop 20.04 and from here we will use the GUI.

6. Click on your network icon … Read the rest

Ubuntu Tutorials

Complete VestaCP Setup Guide for Ubuntu 18

In this Complete VestaCP Setup Guide for Ubuntu 18 I will show you how to install Ubuntu 18 with all of its updates, Setup VestaCP and configure Name Server and domains. We will also do some security hardening, add SSL’s and update to the latest MariaDB and PHP versions. Finally I will also show you how to configure backups to an external source.

Consider using HestiaCP and Ubuntu 20 as VestaCP has been fading away. 


  • Register a Domain to use for your VPS server. I will be using as my domain registrar. In my case I have purchased the domain for this tutorial.
  • Choose and purchase a VPS from a VPS provider. Many factors come into play here but I will be using they seem to have fair pricing and they provide lots of storage. You could also use your own server at home but it
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UniFi Tutorials

How To Open And Forward Ports On Unifi UDM PRO

In this tutorial you will learn how to open and forward ports to an internal LAN IP on your Unifi UDM Pro using Unifi Controller version 6.5.55. In the latest releases of the Unifi Controller, they have simplified the process for us and with a few simple steps you can quickly forward the ports you need.

Let’s get started.

First make sure you are running the latest controller version. At the time of this publication, it is 6.5.55.

  1. Log into your UDM Pro using or its IP address.
  2. Access the Unifi Controller and click Settings
  3. Click on Advanced Features and afterwards you will be presented with a page where you can apply your network rules.
  4. Now scroll down, locate and click on Advanced Gateway Settings.
  5. You should now be presented with the Advanced Gateway Settings Page.
  6. Click on the Create new Port Forwarding button.
  7. In the Port Forwarding window
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UniFi Tutorials

How To Transfer Unifi UDM Pro Owner

In this tutorial you will learn in a few simple steps on how to transfer Unifi UDM Pro Owner to a new owner account. This will come handy when you acquired a new client or accidently used the wrong account to register the UDM Pro into


Option 1

Step 1: Make sure you have local access via IP to your UDM Pro before proceeding.

Step 2: Log into using the old owner account and all except the owner, remove all accounts that have access to your UDM Pro.

Step 3: Use the old owner account to log into UDM Pro using IP address

Step 4: Create a backup of all UDM Pro configurations.

Step 5: Create a new Super Admin “Local Access Only” account.

Step 6:  Now in the UDM Pro settings disable Remote Access by going to

  • Settings
  • Advanced 
  • “Remote Access”.

Step 7: Log … Read the rest

UniFi Tutorials

How To Configure Unifi UDM Pro Controller 6.5.55 For Windows 10 VPN

In this tutorial you will learn how to configure a Unifi UDM Pro Controller 6.5.55 for Windows 10 VPN access. I will take you through the process of configuring a VPN Connection and a VPN user on Unifi Controller version 6.5.55 for your UDM Pro and then we will finish with configuring Windows 10 VPN client.

How to setup Ubuntu Desktop to access UDM PRO VPN Tunnel


Let’s start by logged into your UDM PRO and then follow these steps below.

  1. Click on Settings
  2. Click on Networks


  3. Click Add New Network


  4.  Apply a Network Name for your VPN. For this tutorial I will name mine VPN-Access.
  5.  Now that we have a name click on the Virtual Private network (VPN) expand arrow
  6.  Now for VPN Setup click on Advanced.
  7.  Now Select Remote Access.


  8.  Scroll down the page and locate Pre-shared Secret Key. End users will need to use this
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Windows Tutorials

How to track file change events on your Windows File Server

In this tutorial you will be shown how to configure group policy to track file change events on your windows file server.

In the event of a data breach, businesses often want to know who accessed the data and when. They also want to know what kind of changes were made. With this method you can track file changes in your Windows file server. This will help you prevent insider threats by knowing who is accessing files they don’t need access to. Plus, it can help during data breach investigations by proving who changed what.


Step 1: Enabling the ‘Audit object access’ policy

  1.  Remote connect to your DC and Launch the Group Policy Management console (Run –> gpedit.msc)

  2. Create a new GPO named “Server Audits” and apply it to the root of your domain. 


3. Right click “Server Audits” policy followed by clicking on Edit within the menu.

4. Navigate … Read the rest

Ubuntu Tutorials

How To Enable Root Login And SSH For Ubuntu 20.04

In this tutorial you will be shown how to enable Root login and SSH for Ubuntu 20.04. Root access is the administrative user that you can use to access and edit all of the files on your server (this includes system-critical files). In some situations, for proper installation of software on Ubuntu 20.04 using root access will make things easier.

Let’s get started 

  1. Log into your Ubuntu 20.04 server and run the following command to apply a password to the root user.
sudo passwd root

2. Now, let’s edit your SSH config to allow root to be able to SSH into your Ubuntu 20.04 server. 

sudo nano /etc/ssh/sshd_config

3. Move down towards the end of the config file and type in the following.

PermitRootLogin Yes

4. Use CTRL+X and you will be prompted to save the config.

5. You should be prompted with the question to Save Modified Buffer? Type … Read the rest