UniFi Tutorials

How To Configure Unifi UDM Pro Controller 6.5.55 For Windows 10 VPN

In this tutorial you will learn how to configure a Unifi UDM Pro Controller 6.5.55 for Windows 10 VPN access. I will take you through the process of configuring a VPN Connection and a VPN user on Unifi Controller version 6.5.55 for your UDM Pro and then we will finish with configuring Windows 10 VPN client.

How to setup Ubuntu Desktop to access UDM PRO VPN Tunnel


Let’s start by logged into your UDM PRO and then follow these steps below.

  1. Click on Settings
  2. Click on Networks


  3. Click Add New Network


  4.  Apply a Network Name for your VPN. For this tutorial I will name mine VPN-Access.
  5.  Now that we have a name click on the Virtual Private network (VPN) expand arrow. 
  6.  Now for VPN Setup click on Advanced.
  7.  Now Select Remote Access.


  8.  Scroll down the page and locate Pre-shared Secret Key. End users will need to use this key as well.
  9. Make sure you have the correct WAN IP that you wish your VPN users to connect into.
  10.  Scroll down until you locate User Access.
  11.  For User Access List (RADIUS Profile) you can keep as default to keep it simple. If you’re looking to use Windows AD and RADIUS, you can read more about it here. (Windows RADIUS) 
  12.  For User Authentication you can add your VPN users here by selecting Create a new user button.
  13.  Locate Advanced and click on the expand arrow.
  14.  Within Gateway/Subnet, use your preferred Host address.
  15.  Locate Require Strong Authentication and make sure you enable it to use MSCHAPv2.
  16. Now click Add Network button.
  17. Congrats! You have now successfully Unifi UDM Pro Controller 6.5.55 for VPN Access.

Setup VPN Client On Windows 10.

  1. On your Windows 10 Search Bar, search for vpn.
  2. Click on VPN settings.
  3. Once the VPN window is open click on Add a VPN connection. 
  4. Afterwards fill out the information you created on the UDM Pro during the VPN user setup. I high lighted in red what needs to be selected in the drop down windows.
  5. Now you can successfully Connect to your VPN.


I hope this article was helpful, if you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. If you would like to be notified of when I create a new post, you can subscribe to my blog alert.

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Patrick Domingues


  1. Hi Patrick, some interesting articles here.

    The VPN for Windows 10 article works but does not resolve the DNS issues surround the UDMP and access to Server Shares. Seems to be a common issue that Unifi have yet to address even on the latest firmware 1.11 and 7.0.20. Cannot ping any devices on the network unless the UDMP is the DHCP server.

    Any thoughts on how to solve the DNS issues where the Server 2019 is the Domain and primary DHCP and DNS server.

    1. Hey Nick, thanks for the visit. Since I am not sure what has been attempted yet I can throw a few things at you to double-check.

      Did you configure DHCP relay for your LANs on the UDM Pro?
      Did you configure your UDM Pro Lan DNS to point to the DNS server?
      Have you temporarily disabled the windows server firewall and does any addressing go through?
      Do you have WINS you can also configure this on the UDMpro and point it to a destination?

      I usually keep my default gateways doing DHCP. However I setup a network similar to yours and see what I come up with if the above doesn’t help.

  2. Hi Patrick, thanks for the response. It was an odd one, but it appears that a bug in the VPN DHCP was pushing out a different IP from that of the VPN config. DHCP was set to but the IP address on the VPN network after connection was

    I decided to kill off the VPN completely and reconfigure and all is OK now.

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