UniFi Tutorials

Unifi UAP-AP AC DHCP Not Working Using Firmware 4.3.24

If you are having problems your Unifi UAP-AP AC DHCP Not Working Using Firmware 4.3.24 follow these steps to rollback back the firmware. 

How to rollback 4.3.24 firmware.

  1. Log into your Unifi Controller.
  2. Make sure that Auto Update is disabled
    • Settings > Site > Services , uncheck Automatically Upgrade Device Firmware.
    • Also check scheduled upgrades. Settings > Services > Scheduled Upgrades and remove them.

  3. On the left hand side menu Click on Unifi Device Icon
    Unifi Device
  4. Click on the the wireless access point you would like to start with so the side menu expands to display a gui like below.
  5. Click on the gear\config icon 

  6. Scroll down to the bottom and expand MANAGE DEVICE
  7. In the Custom upgrade section use the copy/paste the following known working firmware provided: https://dl.ui.com/unifi/firmware/U7PG2/

  8. Click Custom Upgrade

  9. Wait a few and you should be good to go!

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Patrick Domingues

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