Tag Archives: Scams

Have You Heard Of Text Message Scams Called Smishing?
Have you ever received unsolicited mobile text messages with an unfamiliar or strange web link? Well this is a trick to target recipients into clicking a link and sending the attacker private information or downloading malicious programs to a smartphone. Fewer people are aware of the dangers of clicking links in text messages and…

COVID-19 Vaccine Email Scams
Online scammers have found another avenue to lure their desperate victims. These scams are being sent through emails stating that you can purchase a vaccine for around $150 and the COVID-19 Vaccines can be delivered within a few days. Doing searches in dark web forums and on messaging app Telegram found seven different offers for…

Phishing for Microsoft Teams Credentials
Phishing continues to be a pain in everyone’s rear end. This particular Phishing scam aims to rob you from your Microsoft Teams Credentials. Since Microsoft Teams has become a favorable communication tool throughout the world of course hackers are now aiming to phish you into giving them your login information. Abnormal Security said “Because Microsoft…

Your NETFLIX Membership Has Expired Phishing Email
Did you know that your Netflix Membership has expired on Dec 31st 2019? Hackers are using these types of Phishing emails to try and gain access to your account to obtain private information and maybe watch some NETFLIX on your dime. Some common tip-offs that an email is phony are typos, grammatical mistakes, awkward language,…

Webcam Blackmail or Sextortion Emails
It’s unbelievable how frequent people fall for the Webcam Blackmail or Sextortion emails. I have received a few and it’s quite hilarious and also rude on how they go about writing these emails. I’ll show you how fake Webcam Blackmail or Sextortion emails are. But first did you know hundreds of Millions of similar emails…

Top Email Phishing Scams
Email phishing scams have evolved to a point that makes it very difficult to tell which are real and which are fake. These days phishing emails are imitating legitimate brands and people to trick victims into providing money or providing credentials over an email or a fake landing page. Roughly one in four Americans in…