Tag Archives: Linode

Install SSL Certificate Onto A FQDN UniFi Controller
In this tutorial you will be shown how to install SSL Certificate onto a FQDN (fully qualified domain name) UniFi Controller installed on Ubuntu 20.04. Lets Get Started SSH onto your Ubuntu Linux Server Make sure your server is fully up to date with patches. Check and see what type of pre-existing firewall your using….

Install UniFi Controller On Ubuntu 20.04 Linode
In this tutorial you will be shown how to install the UniFi Controller software with SSL on Ubuntu 20.04 using a Linode VPS. The current version of UniFi SDN Controller that we will be installing is 6.2.23 Of course new packages will be released and they can be found on there UniFi Software Download Page. The script…

Create Website Server With Linode and Hestia Control Panel
In this tutorial I will be showing you how to use Linode, Ubuntu 20.04 and Hestia Control Panel to create yourself a website server. This is a much better option than using shared website hosting servers where compromised website server incidents can happen due to improper maintained webservers and websites. Lets Create Your Domain. I…