Tag Archives: CyberSecurity

Learn More About Social Engineering
Social engineering is a tactic used by attackers that takes advantage of people’s emotions in order to access sensitive or confidential information. It is very important to know who we are talking to and why the person needs the data. Always remain calm, do not respond immediately, and talk to your manager or the security…

Cybersecurity Without Paranoia
Not many people bring to light and discuss that there is a difference between paranoia and preparedness in cybersecurity. Due to many breaches and the various headlines we tend to promote 24/7 security awareness, although it is a simple understanding that scammers are everywhere and target everyone, this can cause paranoia. Prepare for security…

Cybersecurity Tips For Parents
Parenting is hard enough even before considering the challenges of online security. In this article I will give you five tips to help you with those challenges. Obviously, every household has different needs, so view these as a generic starting point, and make adjustments as necessary! Establish a culture of trust. Create a safe space…

The Future Of Identification And Authentication
IN THE BEGINNING… Passwords have been around since ancient times, back when you needed to know the correct word to pass or enter an area, and have evolved over the course of history to meet specific demands. The military developed a challenge and response system that required not just a password, but also a counter-password….

Ransomware Risk Management
The National institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) has released a new document called: cybersecurity framework profile for ransomware risk management. The document contains detailed steps that you can take to reduce the risk of infection and it has was to prevent ransomware attacks. They outline these basics NIST has provided the basic and best…

54% of all employees reuse passwords on multiple accounts
Yubico released the results of a study into current attitudes and adaptability to at-home corporate cybersecurity, employee training, and support in the current global hybrid working era. The report surveyed 3,006 employees, business owners, and C-suite executives at large organizations (250+ employees), who have worked from home and use work issued devices in the UK,…

Fraud Awareness: What Does Fraud Look Like?
Fraud happens every day and you and your employees may not even know that you have been defrauded out of your information or money. Cyber Fraud is real and you must be vigilant. Identifying when someone is trying to defraud you or your organization is a vital part of the day-to-day responsibilities of your employees….

Staying Safe In The Cloud
I’m sure by now your company has you working with some cloud applications like Microsoft 365, Google Docs, Dropbox and Salesforce just to name a few. You need to be vigilant because hackers can use tactics to trick you into fake landing portals. Did you know that Nearly 80% of organizations have experienced a cloud…

Have You Heard Of Text Message Scams Called Smishing?
Have you ever received unsolicited mobile text messages with an unfamiliar or strange web link? Well this is a trick to target recipients into clicking a link and sending the attacker private information or downloading malicious programs to a smartphone. Fewer people are aware of the dangers of clicking links in text messages and…

Why Cybersecurity Matters For Your Small Business
Cybersecurity is a crucial element for continued success in any industry. What I am sharing with you today are reasons why cybersecurity matters for your small business. To succeed in today’s technical ecosystem cybersecurity must be part of your small to medium-sized business operations. So the same way that you’d never leave your store or…