Tag Archives: Compliance

Level-up Cyber Security Awareness
Level-up Cyber Security Awareness in a few and achievable steps. Cyber Security Awareness is key to protecting your business.

Is Your Website ADA Compliant?
Businesses with a website must make modifications to accommodate customers with disabilities under ADA Compliance.

Conduct A ISO 27001 Risk Assessment in 7 Steps
Risk assessments are the most important part of any ISO 27001 project. They help you determine how to get your ISMS in order and keep it that way.

This Year You Should Expect Stronger Cyber Security Regulations
The government is cracking down on cyber security. According to The Wall Street Journal, and companies are expected to comply with the more stringent cyber security regulations. In early 2021, a SolarWinds and Microsoft hack occurred. They have been linked to Russia and China, respectively. President Joe Biden has issued a presidential executive order that…

Why HIPAA Compliance Matters In Telehealth
While the world has dealt with the far reaching effects of COVID-19, the healthcare industry has had to deal with many unique challenges. The procedure to protect both patients and staff from possible exposure to virus’s is a tricky process, especially when in some locations hospitals have also been dealing with patient surges. Keeping up…

Basics of FERPA – School Compliance
FERPA stands for the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act. It was designed to protect both the privacy and security of certain kinds of educational records. It gives students, former students, auditing students, and others, certain privacy rights with respect to personally identifiable educational records. Â What are Educational Records? FERPA defines educational records as…

The Tiers of HIPAA violations
If you violate HIPAA, you will be fined. The penalty fee is determined by how serious the violation is. However, most cases are solved with a technical guidance from the OCR or agreeing to change your policy and procedures to prevent future violations. Financial penalties for HIPAA violations are reserved for the most serious violations…

The 18 Identifiers Of PHI Crossword Puzzle
In this crossword puzzle we will identify a few protected health Information (PHI) words. These words are key to protect ourselves and everyone else that are protected under the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability act (HIPAA). Click on the link to learn The 18 Identifiers Of PHI, it will also help you with this Crossword…

This quick HIPAA fact sheet will point you in the right direction! Did you know HIPAA, the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act was created in 1996? HIPAA is designed to maintain strict privacy over an individual’s health records. Other acronyms you need to know for HIPAA compliance: PII (Personally Identifiable Information), EPHI (Electronic Protected…

The 18 Identifiers Of PHI
In this article I will outline the 18 identifiers of Protected Health Information also known as PHI. Under the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, known simply as HIPAA, PHI is any information (identifiers) about health care, health status, or payment for health care that can be linked to a specific individual. THE 18 IDENTIFIERS…