Category Archives: Cybersecurity

New Windows malware strain creeps quietly past your antivirus
Security researchers have discovered a new malware campaign that uses code signing certificates and other techniques to avoid detection by antivirus software. A recent blog post from Elastic Security, the cybersecurity firm, reveals that its researchers discovered a cluster of malicious activity after reviewing its threat prevention telemetry.
Cybercriminals are getting smarter. They have figured out how to use valid digital certificates to sign their malware, so security programs won’t find them. However, this new campaign from Blister is different. The cybercriminals have created a new kind of loader for the malware. It has been named Blister by researchers because it burns like a blister on the skin, but you will never see it until it is too late.
With the help of valid code signing certificates and other counter-detection measures, these cybercriminals have been running this campaign for the past few months.
Blister malware
Cybercriminals have been using a … Read the rest

Can Someone Spy On You Through Your Webcam or Phone Camera?
Are hackers spying on you through your computer camera and phone camera? Yes, it is true. Your webcam or phone camera can be hacked, which means that the hacker can monitor you and potentially steal your personal information. However, there are ways to prevent or identify the hacking of your webcam and phone camera.
What would a hacker do with a device’s camera?
If you see a camera icon at random, when you know none of your trusted apps are running, your device may be hacked. The good news is that modern devices use a light to indicate whenever the camera has been activated. If you see this light even though you know no app is running, it might be time to back up your data and wipe your device clean.
If a hacker infiltrates your device, they’re probably looking for something specific. But usually they’re after big data, rather … Read the rest

4 Steps to Take If Your Social Security Number Has Been Stolen
Whether your personal information has been subjected to by hacking or you’ve been a victim of identity theft, before you panic, there are steps you can take to minimize the damage.
Security breaches at large corporations are common. In fact, according to the National Cyber Security Alliance, over 143 million Americans have had their information stolen in recent years. Many of these individuals have had their Social Security numbers stolen, which has led to identity theft. These are just a few examples of the many large-scale security breaches that have occurred in recent years.
If your Social Security number were stolen, it could be taken from documents in your mailbox or trash can, or by someone fraudulently posing as a representative of a trusted institution. If you think that your Social Security number has been stolen, here are three things you can do to protect yourself:
If you believe your

An ideal tactic for security training engagement

Windows Zero-Day Allows Privileged File Access
Windows 10 Bug Exploitation Details

Stripchat Breach Exposed 200m User Records
Stripchat founded in 2016 is an adult site for live nude cam shows has had its 200m user database exposed online. This data exposure puts both models and users at risk of extortion, violence, and other risks.
The database was found on Nov. 5 by a security researcher. It contained about 200 million records from Stripchat, including 65 million user records with email addresses, IP addresses, the amount in tips they gave to models, when they created their accounts and when they last logged in. Another database discovered which had a lot of information about models. This data included their usernames, gender, studio IDs, tip menus and prices, whether they were online or not, and a number that reflects how much money they earned during private shows. We don’t know if anyone evil saw this information before they secured it.
Stripchat Data Exposure Threat
… Read the rest“The exposure could pose a significant

Why HIPAA Compliance Matters In Telehealth
While the world has dealt with the far reaching effects of COVID-19, the healthcare industry has had to deal with many unique challenges. The procedure to protect both patients and staff from possible exposure to virus’s is a tricky process, especially when in some locations hospitals have also been dealing with patient surges. Keeping up with scheduled visits and procedures is a challenge, and keeping patients and staff aware of what is going on around them is a challenge as well.
Telehealth Grew Exponentially Due To COVID
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has created a specific condition in which many physicians’ offices are finding themselves doing routine patient visits virtually. While the concept of telehealth appointments has been around for years, telemedicine has only recently become the new norm for many people. During the recent pandemic, the number of Medicare beneficiaries using telehealth services increased by 11,700%. … Read the rest

Google Banned 150 Android Apps And They Need To Be Removed From Your Phone
It’s a rough world out there. You must be wary of threats — even if it’s as simple as an email or text message. We can’t go a week without a new threat popping up, and the latest crucial warning concerns 150+ fake Android apps on the Google Play Store that can steal your information.
Security software company Avast has been reporting on a scam campaign that has been going on for more than a year. The scam is called UltimaSMS, and it involves hundreds of fake apps that are disguised as popular ones, such as photo editors and camera filters. What they actually do is get victims to sign up for expensive SMS services and charge their accounts. It’s all about getting consumers to give their consent and payment information.
A list of the apps removed from the Google Play store
If you are wondering which apps are the … Read the rest

How Can Businesses Prevent Common Wireless Network Attacks?
If you’re a business owner, how do you keep your wireless network secure from today’s most common online threats? While it may be difficult to prevent hackers from creating fake WiFi hotspots, there are steps you can take to protect your business.
Isolate the Guest Network
Encrypt WiFi Traffic with WPA2 or WPA3

Hashthemes Demo Importer WordPress Plugin Vulnerability
The Hashthemes Demo Importer and is found in more than 8,000 blogs, according to researchers at Wordfence. It’s a high-severity security flaw. This WordPress plugin is designed to import demo content from However, it’s possible for subscribers to use the demo importer as a tool to wipe out content on any WordPress site.