How to install Primavera P6 EPPM v20 Server and Client

In this tutorial you will be shown how to install Oracle Primavera P6 EPPM v20. We will start with server installation and then end with a working client installation.


The following prerequisites are a must to be configured and available.

  • Windows Server 2019
  • Microsoft SQL Server 2019 Express
  • Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS)
  • Windows 10 Workstation

Let’s Get Started With Server Installation 

  1. Decide which server you want to use.
  2. If its a new server download and configure Windows Server 2019 and make sure its fully updated.
  3. Download and Install Microsoft SQL Server 2019 Express. On the server and use the basic installation.
  4. Download and install SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) on the server.
  5. Log into the Oracle Account 
  6. Go to your downloads section and search for Primavera. During the creation of this tutorial the latest is 20.12 that was used. Download all the packages.
  7. Transfer the file
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What Your Out Of Office Message Tells Hackers

It’s time for a vacation or your going on a business trip and your super excited, naturally our out of office message may reveal some of this excitement to hackers. People don’t naturally think about how cybercriminals would benefit from the details of your Out Of Office Message (OOO). But this attack vector is a great social engineering opportunity.

What Can Hackers Learn From Your OOO Message?

If the company is being targeted an OOO message will raise a flag for the cyber criminal to take action to learn more about you. Many employees share information on social media publicly which can give them a painted picture to what you are doing. Many people would provide overly detailed leave notification in email signatures or add details about their time off in their OOO responses, even when they plan to return to work or the details of the conference they are … Read the rest

UniFi Tutorials

Configure Unifi Controller Ports On Ubuntu 20.04

In this tutorial you will be shown how to configure Ubuntu 20.04’s Uncomplicated Firewall (ufw) with the necessary Unifi Controller ports. 

Lets Get Started

  1. First make sure that you have already have your Unifi Controller Installed and working.
  2. Log into your Ubuntu 20.04 using putty via SSH.
  3. We will now configure a proper firewall with rules for your Ubuntu 20.04 Server. We will be using the Uncomplicated Firewall (ufw). Before we turn on the firewall lets add some ports to the firewall rules.
sudo ufw allow 22
sudo ufw allow 8080
sudo ufw allow 8880
sudo ufw allow 8443
sudo ufw allow 80
sudo ufw allow 443
sudo ufw allow 3478/udp
sudo ufw allow 10001/udp
sudo ufw allow 6666/udp
sudo ufw allow 47763/udp

4. Now that we have the rules in place we can enable the ufw firewall and set it to auto start.

sudo systemctl enable ufw
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Is A Comcast Business Modem HIPAA Compliant?

I know the reason your here is to find out if a stand alone Comcast Business Modem can be used in a Medical Practice and pass the HIPAA compliance security check for protecting a healthcare network. Well, first there are a few things we need to know about HIPAA and Firewall Requirements. 

HIPAA Firewalls 101

The internet is full of viruses and malicious software actively attempting to execute exploits and gain access to computers and networks. Without proper firewalls in place patient data will be vulnerable and accessible to bay guys.

Firewalls can provide a first line of defense. A firewall acts much like a solid brick wall around a building, complete with a gate and security guard. The security guard only allowing the specific things you have told him through.

What Would A Proper HIPAA Approved Firewall Do?

Can A Comcast Modem Reduce Risk And Impact Of Malware?

  • A
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Why you need a Healthcare Virtual CIO

Your Healthcare Virtual CIO (vCIO) will be your advocate and advisor. A Healthcare vCIO will offer you the highest quality customer service and they will have scheduled visitations to your healthcare business to offer ongoing assistance. 

How a Healthcare VIRTUAL CIO Works For You.

  • Analyze your current IT environment and provides regular assessments.
  • Develop an IT strategy to reach your healthcare business goals and achieve results.
  • Determine software and hardware needs and ensure timely updates and licensing.
  • Design a solution to address cybersecurity, disaster recovery, and HIPAA compliance, and implement best practices for enterprise-level protection.
  • Assess processes related to technology to improve efficiencies.
  • Provide recommendations for computers, software, and other technology to stay current.
  • Maintain compliance with stringent regulatory requirements such as HIPAA, even while your IT environment and industry evolve.
  • Solve problems have the ability to provide an experienced team of technical experts that is available 24/7.
  • Develop an
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Windows Tutorials

Windows Server Pending Reboot Status Won’t Clear

You may have a problem with Windows Server Pending Reboot Status Won’t Clear because you may have installed new windows updates, new drivers or new windows features and windows server is throwing a fit about needing to reboot, even though you have reboot it dozens of times. 

In comprehensive guide on troubleshooting the issue of a pending reboot status that won’t clear on a Windows Server. As a system administrator or IT professional, you might have encountered this frustrating situation where the server continues to show a pending reboot status even after a restart. In this article, we will explore the possible causes behind this issue and provide you with effective solutions to resolve it. So, let’s dive in and get your Windows Server back on track!

Solution 1: Check for Pending Updates

One of the common causes of the pending reboot status is incomplete update installations. To address this … Read the rest

Windows Tutorials

How to clear all event logs with .bat file for CMD

In this tutorial you will be shown how to clear all event logs with a .bat for CMD. This Bat file will come handy to clear stuck events from the logs or if your event viewer is crashing cause by too much data.

Let’s get started. 

  1. Open notepad or notepad++.
  2. Copy the contents blow and paste them into notepad.
  3. Save the file as clearevens.bat
  4. Right click on the newly created clearevens.bat and run it as administrator. 
@echo off

FOR /F "tokens=1,2*" %%V IN ('bcdedit') DO SET adminTest=%%V
IF (%adminTest%)==(Access) goto noAdmin
for /F "tokens=*" %%G in ('wevtutil.exe el') DO (call :do_clear "%%G")
echo All Event Logs have been cleared!
goto theEnd

echo clearing %1
wevtutil.exe cl %1
goto :eof

echo Current user permissions to execute this .BAT file are inadequate.
echo This .BAT file must be run with administrative privileges.
echo Exit now, right click on this 
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Configure Attack Defense with TP-Link Omada Controller

In this TP-Link Omada tutorial, you will be shown how to configure attack defense security settings with the TP-Link Omada Controller.

Why should we properly configure TP-Link Omada Attack Defense?

Attack Defense provides protection against outside cyber attackers by shielding your computer or network from malicious or unnecessary network traffic. TP-Links Omada Attack Defense can also prevent malicious software from accessing a computer or network via the internet. 

Let’s get started. 

  1. Log into your cloud controller either using the URL or The IP address assigned to the TP-Link Omada Controller.
  2. Once logged in go ahead and expand the menu by sliding your mouse to the left bar.
  3. Click on Settings down at the bottom.
  4. Next click on the Network Security.
  5. From here click on Attack Defense.
  6. Under Flood Defense. Have the following all checked marked with the default settings the set. 

    Flood Defense

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Configure Wireless Network with TP-Link Omada Controller

In this tutorial, you will be shown how to configure a Wireless Network with the TP-Link Omada Controller.

Let’s get started.

Before we start this tutorial is under the impression you already have additional networks created. If you need help with creating new VLAN Networks Click Here. You may want to create a VLAN if it is for a new wireless network.

  1. Log into your cloud controller either using the URL or The IP address assigned to the TP-Link Omada Controller.
  2. Once logged in go ahead and expand the menu by sliding your mouse to the left bar.
  3. Click on Settings down at the bottom.
  4. Afterwards, click on Wireless Networks and then click Create New Wireless Network.
  5. The Create new Wireless Network page should have loaded.
  6. Fill out the name you want for your wireless connection.
  7. If this will be a Guest Network checkmark Enable for Guest Network.
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Configure VLAN Network with TP-Link Omada Controller

In this tutorial, you will be shown how to configure a new VLAN network using TP-Link Omada Controller. 

Let’s get started.

  1. Log into your cloud controller either using the URL or The IP address assigned to the TP-Link Omada Controller.
  2. Once logged in go ahead and expand the menu by sliding your mouse to the left bar.
  3. Click on Settings down at the bottom.
  4. Afterwards, click on Wired Networks and then click LAN.
  5. Click the Create New Lan button at the bottom. 
  6. I will be creating a new network for my IOT devices. 
  7. In the Name field I will be calling my network IOT LAN.
  8. Make sure to checkmark LAN.
  9. I like to keep my VLAN ID the same as the subnet address
  10. Here I decided to use VLAN 200 and Subnet
  11. Click Update DHCP Range.
  12. If you scroll down a few you should see the DHCP Pool,
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