COBIT 2019

Governance with EDM Objectives: Setting the Tone for IT with COBIT

Uncover the unparalleled benefits of Governance with EDM Objectives: Setting the Tone for IT with COBIT. Master the art of effective governance and elevate your IT infrastructure.


In today’s tech-driven world, effective governance in IT is not just a recommendation; it’s a necessity. You’ve probably heard of COBIT and EDM objectives but may wonder how they tie together to set the tone for impeccable IT governance. This article aims to demystify the intricate relationship between COBIT and EDM objectives, providing you with the tools needed to implement a foolproof governance structure.

Governance with EDM Objectives: Setting the Tone for IT with COBIT

Understanding the relationship between Enterprise Data Management (EDM) objectives and the Control Objectives for Information and Related Technologies (COBIT) framework is pivotal for setting up robust IT governance. These two facets intertwine to create a governance structure that is not only robust but also versatile and adaptable to changes in the business landscape.

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The Fundamentals of COBIT Framework

Overview of COBIT

COBIT, an acronym for Control Objectives for Information and Related Technologies, serves as a framework for managing and governing enterprise IT. It offers a comprehensive methodology that aligns business goals with IT processes, thereby establishing a harmonious work environment.

Importance in IT Governance

When it comes to governance, the COBIT framework is often the go-to choice for many organizations. It provides the backbone for establishing governance models that help organizations achieve their IT objectives while mitigating risks.

EDM Objectives in Governance

What are EDM Objectives?

Enterprise Data Management (EDM) objectives focus on the proper handling, storage, and distribution of data within an organization. These objectives are essential for making informed decisions and ensuring data integrity.

Why are EDM Objectives Crucial?

In the context of governance, EDM objectives serve as the cornerstone for decision-making and risk management. They help organizations navigate through complex data landscapes, making it easier to retrieve, analyze, and utilize data effectively.

The Symbiosis between EDM and COBIT

How Do They Complement Each Other?

COBIT and EDM objectives work in tandem to facilitate better governance practices. While COBIT offers the framework, EDM objectives provide the specifics, ensuring that data is managed effectively to support decision-making and risk management.

Real-world Use Cases

Many organizations have successfully implemented COBIT alongside EDM objectives. For example, a healthcare provider might use COBIT to govern its IT processes while adhering to EDM objectives for patient data management. This synergy leads to improved healthcare outcomes and patient satisfaction.

Principles of Governance in COBIT

Aligning IT Goals with Business Goals

One of the key principles of COBIT is aligning IT goals with business objectives. This ensures that IT processes and projects contribute positively to the overall success of the organization.

Risk Management in COBIT

Another principle involves robust risk management. COBIT provides guidelines for identifying, assessing, and mitigating risks, thereby ensuring the organization is well-prepared for unforeseen challenges.

Implementing EDM Objectives with COBIT

The Planning Phase

Before diving into the implementation, it’s important to sketch out a plan that aligns with both COBIT principles and EDM objectives. This includes a thorough risk assessment and setting clear goals.

Implementation Steps

The next phase involves putting the plan into action. This includes setting up governance structures, defining roles, and implementing technology solutions that support EDM objectives.

Monitoring and Assessment

Post-implementation, ongoing monitoring and assessment are crucial. This helps in identifying any gaps or weaknesses and making necessary adjustments.

Benefits of Using COBIT for EDM Objectives

Improved Decision Making

One of the most significant benefits is enhanced decision-making. With a robust governance structure in place, organizations can make better, data-driven decisions.

Enhanced Risk Management

Implementing COBIT and EDM objectives together significantly improves risk management. This is due to the systematic approach that the COBIT framework offers.

Cost Savings

By streamlining governance processes, organizations can also realize cost savings. Efficient data management and governance structures reduce wastage and improve overall efficiency.

Challenges and Solutions

Identifying the Challenges

Like any other implementation, challenges are inevitable. These might range from resistance to change to lack of proper resources.

Solutions and Mitigations

The key to overcoming these challenges is to anticipate them early and have contingency plans in place. Training, communication, and regular assessments can go a long way in mitigating these challenges.

Case Study: A Success Story

Navigating through the labyrinthine corridors of IT governance and data management is a daunting task for many organizations. However, the narrative changes when a strategy backed by COBIT and EDM objectives comes into play. Let’s delve into a hypothetical case study involving a healthcare provider that tackled its challenges head-on and emerged victorious.

Company Profile

Our subject for this case study is a hypothetical healthcare provider—let’s call them “HealthGuard.” HealthGuard operates multiple facilities, offering a range of services from primary care to specialized treatments. Despite their expansive operations and a committed team of professionals, they faced severe challenges in data management and governance. Their existing systems were fragmented, leading to inefficiencies that affected both patient care and the bottom line.

Challenges Faced

HealthGuard’s primary hurdle was their outdated IT governance model. The existing systems did not facilitate seamless data flow, making it difficult for doctors and administrators to access vital information promptly. Patient records were sometimes misplaced, and reporting errors were frequent. This not only led to compromised healthcare outcomes but also increased operational costs. Moreover, the lack of a robust governance model exposed them to compliance risks and potential legal issues.

Solutions Implemented

Recognizing the critical need for change, HealthGuard’s executive team decided to adopt the COBIT framework and align it with EDM objectives. The first step was an extensive audit to identify the weak links in their current governance model. Following the audit, they crafted a strategy that involved:

  1. Defining Governance Objectives: Aligning the IT goals with the healthcare outcomes they aimed to achieve.
  2. Role Specification: Clearly defining the roles and responsibilities of each department in compliance with the COBIT framework.
  3. Data Management: Establishing EDM objectives to ensure effective data handling, storage, and retrieval.
  4. Technology Upgrade: Implementing new software and hardware that facilitated the COBIT and EDM objectives.
  5. Training and Onboarding: Educating the staff on the new governance model and ensuring smooth onboarding onto the new systems.

Results Achieved

The transformation was nothing short of revolutionary for HealthGuard. The immediate result was a streamlined governance model that allowed for efficient data management. This led to several key outcomes:

  1. Improved Patient Care: With quick and accurate access to patient records, the healthcare provider could offer more timely and precise treatments.
  2. Reduced Operational Costs: Better data management led to reduced redundancies and operational inefficiencies, thereby saving costs.
  3. Compliance and Risk Management: The COBIT framework provided the necessary guidelines to remain compliant with healthcare regulations, thereby mitigating legal risks.
  4. Financial Sustainability: With reduced costs and improved services, HealthGuard saw a boost in patient satisfaction, which translated into better financial health for the organization.

By adopting the COBIT framework and EDM objectives, HealthGuard not only overcame its challenges but also set a precedent for what effective governance in healthcare can achieve.

Tools and Resources

Books and Publications

There are several books and academic papers that delve into the intricacies of COBIT and EDM objectives. These can serve as invaluable resources for anyone looking to implement these in their organization.

Online Courses and Certifications

Various online platforms offer courses and certifications in COBIT and EDM objectives. These can help you gain a deeper understanding of the subjects.

Software Tools

There are specialized software solutions designed to facilitate the implementation of COBIT and EDM objectives. These tools can greatly simplify the process and make it more manageable.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is COBIT?

COBIT stands for Control Objectives for Information and Related Technologies. It is a framework designed to establish and govern enterprise IT effectively.

Why are EDM Objectives important?

EDM objectives focus on effective data management, which is crucial for making informed decisions and managing risks effectively.

How can COBIT and EDM objectives be implemented together?

COBIT provides the governance framework, while EDM objectives offer the specifics for effective data management. Together, they create a robust governance structure.

What are the benefits of using COBIT for EDM objectives?

Some of the benefits include improved decision-making, enhanced risk management, and cost savings.

What are the challenges in implementing COBIT and EDM objectives?

Some challenges include resistance to change, lack of resources, and the complexity of aligning IT and business goals.

Are there any real-world examples of successful implementations?

Yes, many organizations, especially in healthcare and finance, have successfully implemented COBIT and EDM objectives, witnessing significant improvements in governance and data management.


Governance with EDM Objectives: Setting the Tone for IT with COBIT is more than just a buzzword; it’s a proven methodology for achieving robust and effective governance in IT. By understanding and implementing the COBIT framework in alignment with EDM objectives, organizations can set themselves up for long-term success.

External Link: ISACA’s Official Website

I hope this article was helpful! You can find more here: COBIT Articles

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