Why CISOs and Legal need to be on the same page

Why CISOs and Legal need to be on the same page

In today’s digital age, the threat of a cyberattack looms large over companies of all sizes and this is why CISOs and Legal need to be on the same page. A cyberattack can have a devastating impact on a company’s reputation, finances, and operations. As such, companies must take proactive measures to prevent and mitigate cybersecurity incidents. This includes having a Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) and a legal team working together in close coordination. In this article, we will explore why CISOs and legal need to be on the same page when their company is hacked.

Understanding the Roles of CISOs and Legal

Before we delve into the importance of collaboration between CISO and legal, it’s essential to understand their roles. A CISO is responsible for developing and implementing strategies to protect a company’s digital assets from cyberattacks. They work closely with IT teams to ensure that the company’s infrastructure and applications are secure. On the other hand, Legal is responsible for handling legal issues that arise from a cybersecurity incident, such as compliance with data protection laws and regulations, contractual obligations, and liability issues.

Why CISO and Legal Must Work Together

When a company is hacked, both the CISO and legal teams play critical roles in responding to the incident. Coordination and collaboration between the two teams are essential to ensure that the incident is handled effectively and efficiently. Additionally, legal implications of cybersecurity incidents can be severe. For example, data breaches can result in legal action from regulators, customers, and shareholders. It’s, therefore, essential that both teams understand the legal implications of cybersecurity incidents and work together to mitigate potential legal risks. Furthermore, understanding cybersecurity laws and regulations is crucial to ensure that the company is compliant with the relevant laws.

Developing a Response Plan

The importance of having a response plan cannot be overstated. A response plan outlines the steps that the company will take in the event of a cybersecurity incident. The plan should be developed in collaboration between the CISO and legal teams to ensure that it covers both technical and legal aspects. Additionally, the plan should be regularly tested and updated to ensure that it is effective and relevant.

Best Practices for CISO and Legal Collaboration

Establishing effective communication channels between the CISO and legal teams is critical to ensuring effective collaboration during a cyberattack. Regular meetings and information sharing are necessary to ensure that both teams are up to date on the latest developments. Clarifying roles and responsibilities is essential to avoid duplication of effort and ensure that everyone knows what they are expected to do. Maintaining transparency is crucial to building trust between the two teams and ensuring that they work towards the same goals.


In conclusion, collaboration between CISO and legal teams is critical to effectively managing cybersecurity incidents in a company. Both teams have unique responsibilities that are essential to mitigating risks and managing legal implications. Developing a response plan, establishing communication channels, and clarifying roles and responsibilities are some of the best practices that can facilitate effective collaboration.


  1. What is a CISO, and what does a CISO do?

A CISO is a Chief Information Security Officer who is responsible for developing and implementing strategies to protect a company’s digital assets from cyberattacks.

  1. What is the role of Legal in a company?

Legal is responsible for handling legal issues that arise from a cybersecurity incident, such as compliance with data protection laws and regulations, contractual obligations, and liability issues.

  1. What are the legal implications of a cybersecurity incident?

Cybersecurity incidents can result in legal action from regulators, customers, and shareholders. Companies may face fines, lawsuits, and reputational damage, among other legal implications.

  1. Why is it important to have a response plan?

A response plan outlines the steps that a company will take in the event of a cybersecurity incident. Having a response plan ensures that everyone knows what to do in case of an incident, which helps mitigate the impact of the incident.

  1. How can CISO and Legal collaborate effectively during a cyberattack?

CISO and Legal can collaborate effectively by establishing communication channels, regular meetings and information sharing, clarifying roles and responsibilities, and maintaining transparency. Collaboration can ensure that both teams work towards the same goals, mitigating risks and managing legal implications.

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