Kraken Ransomware Adopts RaaS Model

The author of Kraken Ransomware has adopted the ransomware-as-a-service (RaaS) Model.  In the Dark Web you can find more details about joining the affiliate program which requires a small fee to be considered a trusted partner. The interesting part about this affiliate program is that you get about 70% to 80% of the earnings and requires little to no knowledge of the criminal of deployment or software coding. The developer gets enough kick back to continue updates to the software code. This means they can afford a bigger Dev Team and instead of updates and revisions of Kraken taking a week or two they can do it within a day or a matter of hours. This put Antivirus providers on their toes day to day. I believe the integration of some sort of AI intelligence must play a roll here to combat these Zero Day ransomware infections. Regardless no matter how much tech and security or policies you  have in place, it can all be undone by a untrained and uninformed end user.

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