Tag Archives: Updates

Microsoft Patched 100 Vulnerabilities
Microsoft has pushed a hefty list of Patches on Tuesday to fix over 100 Vulnerabilities and 16 CVEs making the critical list. This is actually the thrid mont that Microsoft has pushed over 100 vulnerabilities patches. May’s list does not contain any vulnerabilities currently being exploited in the wild, which is a good thing. Make sure…

How To Fix Windows Update Patching Issues
If your running into some problems with windows Update and Patching, here are a few options you can take to fix the issue. Option 1: Disable everything antivirus. Reinstall patches through windows update if that does not work move to step 3 Manually download the path that is having an issue from http://www.catalog.update.microsoft.com/home.aspx Option 2: Log…

End of life for Windows 10 1803 so update to 1903 now
Microsoft has been alerting their users running Windows 10 1803 also known as the April 2018 Update that this version of windows is nearing end of life and that they should update to the latest version of Windows. When and how am I affected? Windows 10 1803 will reach end of support on November 12th,…

How To Update To Windows 10 Version 1903
Microsoft released Windows 10 Version 1903 but not everyone is on it due to issues, so read on to find how to download and install Windows 10 Version 1903. First lets check your Windows 10 version On your task bar locate the [ Type here to search ] area and type in “About your…

Microsoft Update Broke Windows Defender
All your Windows Defender is broken thanks to a recent Microsoft Windows Update. The signature update was to fix a file causing system file checks to fail but the patch caused an even bigger issue, making Defender antivirus scans to fail altogether. The issue was in place for about a day before Microsoft re-patched the…

Amazon Alexa has some new HIPAA enabled Skills
Amazon Alexa has some new HIPAA Compliant enabled Skills Kit. Covered Entities and their Business Associates, subject to the U.S. Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA), to build Alexa skills that transmit and receive protected health information as part of an invite-only program. There are six new Alexa healthcare skills from industry-leading…

Microsofts April 9th security update impacts some antivirus software vendors
People have been noticing that Microsoft’s recent April 9th security update is causing some problems with a few antivirus vendors like Sophos, Avira, Avast, McAfee and some others.