Kaseya Script To Remove Splashtop

This is a simple Kaseya Script to remove the Splashtop agent from workstations and servers.


What does it do?

I am glad you asked. The script uses the Kaseya scripting engine to execute the uninstallation string for the Splashtop agent. It is a very simple script but it does the job.



<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<ScriptExport xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns="http://www.kaseya.com/vsa/2008/12/Scripting">
  <Procedure name="Splashtop Removal CMD" treePres="3" id="1984353680" folderId="113237001566792" treeFullPath="myProcedures - [email protected]">
    <Body description="">
      <Statement name="ExecuteShellCommand" continueOnFail="false">
        <Parameter xsi:type="StringParameter" name="Command" value="MsiExec.exe /x {B7C5EA94-B96A-41F5-BE95-25D78B486678} /qn" />
        <Parameter xsi:type="EnumParameter" name="ExecuteAccount" value="System" />
        <Parameter xsi:type="BooleanParameter" name="Is64Bit" value="False" />

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Patrick Domingues

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