Install Windows 11 Within VirtualBox

In this tutorial you will be shown how to install Windows 11 within VirtualBox. VirtualBox is great VM software to test releases of different types of OS’s.


Lets get started

  1. Lets download Virtual Box 
  2. Once downloaded go through the wizard and leave default settings.
  3. If you need Windows 11 you can follow this Windows 11 Download tutorial.
  4. Open Virtual Box.
  5. Click on the New icon.
  6. Name your Virtual Machine
  7. Find and select version and select Windows 10. Click Next
  8. Memory Size 2GB will be fine. Click Next
  9. Hard Disk, Select Create a Virtual hard disk now. Click Next
  10. Hard Disk File type can be left with VDI selected. Click Next
  11. Storage on physical hard disk, select Dynamically allocated. Click Next
  12. File location and size can be left as default. Click Create
  13. Start the virtual machine
  14. VM should boot into the ISO, go through the process of installing windows.

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Patrick Domingues

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