Simple Port Scanner

I wanted to share this Simple Port Scanner that I have been using with the public so everyone can benefit from scanning their own network or external servers.

Administration of large networks can be very time-consuming work and being aware of what ports are open on your network is a must. So this Simple Port Scanner should represent a comfortable solution for Scanning your network for known open ports.

In this scanner we will scan for the following known ports: 20, 21, 22, 23, 25, 43, 53, 69, 79, 80, 110, 113, 119, 123, 135, 137, 138, 139, 143, 161, 194, 389, 563, 443, 465, 587, 993, 995, 1194, 1723, 1725, 2082, 2083, 2095, 2096, 2302, 3074, 3124, 3128, 3306, 3389, 3535, 4333, 5500, 5900, 6112, 6665, 6666, 6667, 6679, 6697, 6699, 6881, 6999, 6970, 8080, 8081, 8083, 7443, 8443. 

You can also scan your own ports by deleting the current ports in the scanner. For example if you want to scan port 1390 type in “1390,“.


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